Contact the John/Andrew Bucket Brigade
For all
addresses below, please replace "(space)at(space)" with
@. I had to remove the @ symbols as they were making
it far too easy for spammers!
To contact Jenni
send an email to jenni at This is
also the address to use if you're reporting technical
errors related to the web site. You can send JABB
ideas or submissions, feedback about JABB, or comments to
Jenni. If your feedback involves others (i.e.
co-writers), Jenni will pass your words along to
them. Thanks! We love hearing from you!
If you were hoping to email a member of JABB
whose address was removed or doesn't work, please email
Jenni and she will see if we still have a working address
for them and will forward your message along if she
does. Jenni will not provide others' email addresses
without first receiving permission from them.
JABB Portal
(Photo Credits: The photograph used on this page is from
"Touched by an Angel" and owned by CBS Productions, Caroline
Productions, and Moon Water Productions. It is not being
used to seek profit.)