
A Touched By an Angel / Chronicles of Narnia

Crossover Story

By: Yvette Jessen


It had been a long day, and Brittany Harrows had sat down in her room, her eyes filled with tears. Her uncle had left her alone yet again, and she was very sad about this. Of course, if truth were known, she had spent a great deal of time alone, and her dearest friend in the world was now with her. It did not matter any more that Adam was an Angel of Death and that he was with her grandfather when he had died. Instead, she revered the angel with all the love and admiration that was in her eight-year-old heart.

Glancing over, Brittany could see that the angel's eyes were closed as though in prayer, but he looked up when she spoke his name. "Adam?"

What is it, Brittany? Is everything OK?”

She yawned slightly. “I guess so,” she whispered, but Adam could tell that she was not being very convincing and he got up and went over to where she was sitting, her eyes filled with sadness and he knew what it was, she was lonely.

"Why don’t we go downstairs and once we drink a cup of tea, maybe afterwards you will be able to go to sleep?” He offered.

OK,” she said softly as she took his hand and they left her room, walked down the hall and through the large house. As they descended the staircase, the little girl could not help but notice that he seemed to be completely quiet and she eventually looked at him. “What are you thinking about?”

Not much," Adam said softly. "Tess and Monica are off on another assignment, Andrew is on standby in Argentina, so he's been brushing up on his Spanish, and I decided to come here to visit you."

"Are you glad about it?" Brittany asked and she watched as he nodded, and then his hand touched a book that had suddenly appeared in his pocket. The small girl noticed it and spoke, all the while trying to divert his attention away from his own contemplations. "What's that, Adam?"

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” he said as he pulled the small paperback book out of his pocket and looked down at it all the while shaking his head and wondering why he would suddenly have a children's book in his possession.

Once the two of them got downstairs, he smiled gently at her. "You know, I haven’t read this book in a long time, what's say, after we have our tea, I start reading it to you?"

My mom used to read that to me when I was little,” she said softly. “That really sounds great,” she smiled as she looked at him. “I guess it’s kind of weird for me to want a story from you, but I haven't had anyone read me anything since I was five, and I think Adam Bear would like it,” she said blushing slightly all the while thinking about Aslan and Mr. Tumnus from the stories and smiling at her best friend. "Adam, do you think that Narnia could exist?"

The Angel of Death shook his head as they reached the study and then sat down in one corner, and Adam looked at her all the while knowing that a little girl like her needed something to believe in. "I don't really know, Brittany," he finally offered freely as one of the maids came over with two cups of tea and placed them in front of them.

As they drank their tea Holly Harrows, Brittany's mother, came through the doorway and could see that she and Adam were still sitting there talking. After a few moments, she cleared her throat and looked at her daughter disapprovingly. “Shouldn’t you be in bed, Brittany, it’s late?”

I know, but I couldn’t sleep,” she said meekly.

We’re drinking some tea, Holly, and then I was going to take Brittany back upstairs,” Adam began. “I was going to read her a story, and then it would be time for some sleep.”

Holly nodded approvingly as she looked back over at her daughter. “Do you not feel well, honey?” She finally asked when she could not get over the fact that Adam was there and he was spending time with her young daughter.

I feel fine, Mom, I just can't sleep,” she said yawning.

I see, well, then I will let you two finish your tea and then it will be time for bed," Holly said as she was getting ready to leave the room. As an afterthought, she turned back to face Adam. "Don't let her stay up too late, Adam, she's got school tomorrow."

"Don't worry, Holly, I know all this one's tricks," Adam said chuckling as his friend finished her tea and gave him a wounded look.

"That was not very nice, Adam," she whispered, but all the while wondered if he had actually realized that his words had hurt her feelings. Sometimes, deep inside of herself, she wished that her best friend was a kid like her. Of course, she never mentioned this to him, as she didn't want to hurt his feelings, but at the same time, she wondered why it was that her best friend seemed to relate better with the grown ups than he did with her. Sighing sadly, she placed the teacup back on the table and stood up.

"What is it?" Adam asked, as he looked at her and noticed that her cup was still half full.

"Nothing, I was just thinking," Brittany said softly.

"You don't want to tell me, do you?" He asked, and it seemed as though he could read her like a book.

Brittany shook her head as she turned around and looked at him. "It's just that, you're always going to take the side of the grown-ups because you're one as well."

"Brittany, I…"

"…You always take my mom's side, and that's not fair," the little girl objected as she looked into the sad gray eyes of her friend. "I thought you were my best friend."

"Of course I am," he said as he got up, went over to her, and put his arms around her. After she looked up at him, he spoke again, his voice filled with sadness. "Forgive me?"

The little girl nodded, "OK, but it hurt my feelings when you went and made that promise to my mom."

Adam pulled the book out of his pocket and showed it to her. "I told your mother that I would get you upstairs to bed, but I didn't tell her how long I was going to read this to you, as you had requested, so I can keep the promise I made to you as well. OK?"

Brittany sat down across from him and nodded as she reached for her teacup.

Once they had finished their tea, the angel looked at his young friend. "Come on, its time for bed and your story."

"Oh Adam, please don't start acting like a parent, you're supposed to be my friend," Brittany whined, thus reminding him that she was not going to be babied.

After a few moments, she looked into the earnest eyes of the angel, she knew that there was no way that she would be able to persuade him to let her stay up, especially after he had given Holly his word that Brittany would be sent to bed after their tea. Everyone knew that an angel could, under no circumstances, go back on his or her word.

Adam smiled and nodded as he patted the book that he still held in his pocket, "I do remember, sweetie."

Brittany got to her feet. She didn't want to say so, but she was really excited about him reading her the story, as it was one of her favorites.

When the two of them left the room, she smiled up at him as he took her hand. "Adam, what do you think about stories with kings and princes?"

"I think that fantasy is one of the greatest gifts the Father could give His children," the angel said softly as they ascended the staircase and when they reached Brittany's room, the little girl bounded into her bed with delight as Adam pulled the book out and opened it.

Chapter 1:

The Beginning of Adam and Brittany's Adventure

"Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy," Adam began to read, his voice soft and gentle as Brittany snuggled up under the covers, her head resting against a large fluffy pillow.

As the soothing tones of the angel's voice emerged and he continued to read the book to her, he noticed that the little girl still could not go to sleep, her eyes were wide open and every so often, she would reach for her pillow, and hit it hoping to fluff it up once again. After about three rounds, of grabbing the pillow, hitting it, and then trying to relax, Adam eventually closed the book.

As he reached the conclusion that it was simply impossible to read to her, he cast the book aside, reached over, and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Brittany, try to calm down, you need your rest even if you can't go to sleep."

"But, Adam, I'm bored sitting here unable to go to sleep, and worse than that, I can't concentrate on the story, because I'm tired, but can't sleep," Brittany complained, "Why do little kids always have to go to bed when they can't sleep, but grown ups can go and get a glass of hot milk from the pantry or eat some chocolate chip cookies without asking permission?"

The angel shook his head as he closed the book and looked at his young friend. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know," she said softly. "Maybe if I have another blanket, it won't be so cold in here. Why is it suddenly so cold in here?"

Adam shook his head, but he could feel a cool breeze against his arm, as well. Standing up, he started to walk towards a large wooden cabinet, which was situated on one side of the room.

The front of the cabinet did not look special, it had old fashioned wooden doors that appeared as though it had been purchased at an antique store and refinished. The heavy doors were open somewhat, but he could feel the cool breeze as though it were coming in from outside. As he felt it ruffling his graying hair, he glanced back over towards Brittany, who had already crawled out of bed and had come over to where he was standing.

"Adam, why is it so cold in here?" She finally managed to ask.

The angel shook his head, but reached for her hand. "Maybe we should try and see what is going on, maybe there's a hole in the wall behind the cabinet, and it's blowing in through the cabinet."

"Then there would have to be a hole in the cabinet too," Brittany whispered and Adam nodded, all the while wondering why it was that there were winter like gusts coming into her bedroom. "What's going on, Adam?"

"I don't know, but I do know that the wind is somehow coming in from outside, because it is too cool and fresh to be originating from inside the house."

Without thinking about what she was doing, Brittany started to push her clothing aside, and she stepped inside the large walk-in closet.

Behind her, Adam followed, but when she could only see the darkness around her, she became somewhat agitated, and turned back around in the direction of her room, all the while hoping that her friend was still there, and that she was not alone. “Adam?” she called out softly.

When no answer emerged, she continued to walk towards the back of the closet all the while thinking that perhaps her friend was still out in her bedroom and had not heard her voice. Instead of thinking further about this, she ventured further into the closet, but when she felt something odd under her feet, she stopped and called out to Adam once again. “Where are you?” She paused and when still no answer came, she spoke, her voice beginning to tremble. “Adam, I’m afraid.”

Don’t be afraid, Brittany, I’m right here,” she heard him speak to her in very much the same tender manner in which he had spoken when he had made his presence known to her during her grandfather's terminal illness.

Where are we?” she called out to him as she reached for her shoes. “I feel something strange underneath my feet, it sounds like snow crunching when I walk, and it's cold.” She pulled on a pair of sandals, but could still feel the wet, cold substance beneath her feet.

I know what you mean, as I can feel it too. I can only see a little bit of light in front of me, but I can only tell you is that it appears as though we are no longer in the closet,” Adam said looking around and trying to somehow find some sort of orientation as to where they actually were. This proved unsuccessful, as it was completely dark.

Ironically, the angel did not even seem to notice that his voice had emerged differently than it usually did, the sounds that resonated around him was a distinguished higher pitch than the smooth baritone Brittany was accustomed to hearing.

As he continued to walk, he reached up and could feel that his beard was no longer there, his skin smooth and young feeling. “Brittany," he called out to the little girl causing her to stop in the darkness some three or four steps ahead of him. "I don’t really know where we are and as odd as it sounds, I just felt a tree branch against my arm, so wherever we are, we are obviously no longer indoors.”

I’m afraid, Adam, please, don't leave me,” she said as she felt that he had come closer to where she was standing. She reached out towards him, but when all she felt was the air around her hand, she pulled it back and wrapped it snugly around her body. Wherever she was, it was much colder than it had been back at home. "Adam, where are you?"

I'm here Brittany, don't worry," he said softly, and when she heard him, she released a pent up breath. "Stay where you are, I'm coming closer to you, I'm right behind you and I won’t let anything happen to you.” His promise spoken, he reached a hand out towards where her voice had originated. “Brittany, I’m reaching out to you, I think you’re close enough to take my hand.”

When she eventually did as he instructed, she could suddenly feel his fingers encircling hers and she sighed with relief when she could feel his touch, his hand holding tightly to hers and they began to walk. Suddenly she stopped, and turned around once again upon feeling the branch of a tree against her skin.

"Where do you suppose we are?" She asked softly as they made their way back over towards a crop of light that was emerging in the distance. From there the two friends could see a lamppost, which seemed to be illuminating a small segment of the meadow.

I have no idea,” he said honestly, not wishing to frighten her, but also realizing that she needed to hear an honest answer.

Maybe it’s a place like Narnia,” Brittany said softly.

I would not count on this, as Narnia is a fictitious place," he reasoned with her but continued to speak when she did not respond. "All I know is that wherever we are, I think I can see some sort of light up ahead and perhaps we should walk towards it. If we can at least see where it is we are, then perhaps we might be better able to reorient ourselves and can find our way back home.”

Brittany nodded, “OK,” she finally conceded, her voice shaking still, but her words audible.

Adam continued to lead her through the woods until they reached the clearing and stopped as the brightness of daylight suddenly made them both start blinking unconsciously. Moments passed, and they beheld what appeared to be a lamppost, which was situated in the middle of a clearing.

When they reached the end of the trees and stepped out into a meadow, they could see that they were now standing in the middle of a hill, the mountains all around them, the lone lamppost seemed to be directly in the center of this open area beckoning them to come closer.

After a few moments of allowing herself to adjust to the new brightness, Brittany looked at her friend, her eyes widening unconsciously when she saw that he was a few inches taller than she was, a crop of curly dark black hair adorning his head, and a beardless face. Seeing this, she almost laughed out loud, but when she saw the confusion shadowing his face, the laughter died away and she regarded the angel. "Adam, you're not going to believe it, but you're a kid now; like me," she said as she realized that his gray blue eyes were the only familiar thing about him. Now, he looked to be not much older than twelve or thirteen.

The angel shook his head. "That can't be, Brittany."

"But, it's true, Adam, you have to see yourself, because you are a kid now. God made you a boy," Brittany said softly.

Together, they made their way over towards a pond that was situated not far from the snow-covered lamppost. As they reached the bank of it, Adam looked down and could see his reflection in the water. As he did, the color drained from his already pale face. "I look like I couldn't be much older than you," he said softly, still unable to believe that the reflection he was seeing was his own. He reached his hand up and brushed it against his face. "My beard is gone. Brittany, what's happened to me?"

Brittany looked at him and shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe you had to be a child to come here, to this place. Maybe we really are in Narnia and from what I understand, there have only been children who have been able to get in."

Adam shook his head; he really didn't know, but one thing was clear, he did not like this one bit; he felt strangely insecure in this place, and he wondered if he would even be able to protect his young friend if danger were to bear its head in this unusual land.

It’s really beautiful here,” the little girl said and smiled, but after a few moments had passed, the expression of awe that shadowed her face disappeared when she saw his face and the joy she carried was replaced instantly with concern. “Adam, do you think we’re safe here?” she asked after a few moments had passed.

For some reason, Brittany had long since given up any hope that they were in Narnia, but wherever it was they were, she was frightened by what kinds of creatures they would meet here, and she wondered if someone might react to them negatively simply for being strangers in this unfamiliar land.

When Adam did not speak, Brittany eventually looked around the meadow, her eyes filled with wonder. “I’m starting to wonder if we’re in another world, or perhaps somehow we’ve reached some other dimension.”

I have no idea,” Adam said, his voice filled with uncertainty. If he was himself, he knew that he could handle being in this place, but now, he felt strangely ill at ease. After a few moments passed, he glanced up, “Maybe we should stay here and see if someone who lives here can help us.”

Brittany nodded, that seemed to be as good an idea as any, but the very instant she had started to relax, she noticed that Adam had obviously heard something because he had turned and was staring off in the distance, his face filled with a strange mixture of worry and awe. “There’s someone coming, I can hear their footsteps in the snow.”

Maybe they can tell us where we are,” Brittany whispered back.

Perhaps, but I think you should stay behind me until we find out if this person poses us any danger,” he said, thus trying to keep his voice barely above a whisper.

The young girl nodded, and ducked behind her friend. Periodically, she would sneak glances around him from behind to see if he had been right. When at last, she saw a strange looking creature approaching them, she hid herself completely behind Adam only to peer out from one side every few seconds.

For his part, Adam watched as a small creature approached. He could not tell whom or what it was that was now coming closer, all he was able to see were the parcels that it was carrying, the face of the creature hidden by those small objects.

Brittany continued to stare until she could see that whoever it was that was coming closer, they seemed to also carry a small blue umbrella. When the creature suddenly stumbled, the entire stack of parcels fell to the ground revealing two gentle eyes, and a playful smile.

As Brittany and Adam bent down to help retrieve the parcels, they extended some of them back towards the inhabitant of this strange land. When they finally did see whom it was that was now standing before them, both pairs of eyes widened in disbelief. The realization hit them like a ton of bricks; they were now looking into the eyes of a creature that looked to be half man, half goat.

As soon as the Faun accepted the parcels from them, his eyes too widened and he looked at them with a mixture of wonder and joy in his expression.

Oh, my goodness,” he exclaimed when he saw them and he allowed the parcels to once again fall to the ground. Ignoring them, he bowed humbly. “I was not certain that there would be any more Sons of Adam or Daughters of Eve in Narnia so soon after the defeat of the White Witch. Queen Lucy will be delighted.”

Brittany stood motionless behind Adam as she listened attentively to the words of the Faun and finally she found the courage to come out from her hiding place behind the boy angel. “We are in Narnia, Adam, We’re really, truly in Narnia. I don’t believe it,” she said softly, and there was a look of joy in her eyes.

Upon hearing the name of her friend, a shadow of confusion crossed the face of the Faun. "You're name is Adam, is it not?" He eventually asked.

"Yes, my name is Adam," the boy angel spoke.

"A pleasure," the Faun said smiling and instead of reaching down to retrieve the fallen parcels, he bowed humbly once again, the remaining parcels that had been in his arms now falling and landing on the snowy ground. “I must apologize my knowledge of human names is very limited and I'm afraid that my memory since the spell of the White Witch has not been as good.”

Then that must mean that you’re Mr. Tumnus?” Brittany asked turning back around so that the Faun could see her better. Upon seeing his reciprocating nod, she continued, her voice soft but filled with awe. “I’ve heard of you, and of your kindness towards others as well as your loyalties to your friends. I'm so pleased to meet you.”

Yes, and you, Daughter of Eve, have you a name?” he asked, his voice all the while formal.

My name is Brittany,” she began as she once more bent down to help him retrieve the parcels. There was no mistaking the sheer joy that filled her eyes as she returned them to the Faun and smiled weakly at him. “I guess you know that we’re strangers in Narnia. I'm from Virginia and Adam has been visiting me during the holidays.” As she spoke, she began to yawn, and the Faun, being the sensitive soul that he was, noticed this and he offered the parcels he now held to Adam.

"Please, would you take these for me?" He asked.

Adam nodded and did as the Faun requested.

You have journeyed far, have you not?” Tumnus asked as he looked at the tired young child next to him. He offered his arm. "You need rest, Daughter of Eve, and I shall be delighted if you would come with me, and I will offer you food and drink. My cave is nearby, and we can rest there tonight, and tomorrow I will escort you to Cair Paravel, and from there, you will gain assistance in getting home. Now tell me, how did you find your way here?"

Brittany smiled weakly. “I was too tired to sleep, and then my room felt so cold.” She turned and looked at Adam as she continued speaking, her voice all the while filled with melancholy sadness. "I had no idea that I had a magical closet in my room." After a few moments, she returned her focus to Tumnus. “We’re really very grateful that you found us, Mr. Tumnus, but I'm tired, and I want to go home. Can't you help us find the way?”

I cannot, my dear Brittany, although I know these woods fairly well, I do not know much of the wooded place from which you came. I would guess that the High King Peter might be able to assist you in this matter," He looked over at Brittany and could see that the young girl was quickly expiring. "I must insist that we all get inside from the cold, and it really is too cold for us to out here talking. I will make us some tea and cake and we can talk some more."

Adam nodded in concurrence as the Faun wound his arm around Brittany's slumped shoulders. When she said nothing, he spoke, his voice filled with friendliness. "Not to worry, Daughter of Eve, all will be put right."

Brittany nodded as she and Adam walked alongside the friendly creature in the direction of a small cave where Tumnus lived. "Is the winter here in Narnia always this cold, Mr. Tumnus?" Adam finally asked.

"It will be spring here very soon, and it is nice," he smiled. "For the last three years, we have lived peacefully, the seasons have changed, and we have had wonderful times in Narnia." He looked down at Brittany who was now shivering from the cold; so he took his coat and wrapped it around the young girl. "Here we are, now you will be warmer," the Faun said softly.

"But, what about you?" Brittany asked weakly, but if truth were known the small girl did not seem all that willing to part with the soft jacket once she felt it on her shoulders.

"I am quite alright, Daughter of Eve," he said softly as he patted her hand.

Moments later, they had reached a small cave and Tumnus opened the door and quickly ushered his guests inside. "It is very warm inside, I have a fire going, and a chair with a warm blanket, do come in, and make yourselves at home."

Once Adam and Brittany were inside the Faun's cozy cave, the door was closed.

Chapter 2:

In The Company of a New Friend

As Tumnus made himself comfortable on one of the chairs, Adam began to explore the cave, as Brittany settled herself in the chair, which the Faun explained was for a friend.

Closing her eyes, she could hear the sounds emerging throughout the cave, but none of this mattered, she felt comfortable there, but after a few moments, she looked up to see that Adam was looking for a place where he too might sit down. Eventually, he came over and looked around the cave for a third small chair. "Here, please, take this chair, I am not as tired as you, Adam," Tumnus eventually offered as he got to his feet.

"Thank you, Mr. Tumnus," Adam said softly as the Faun moved over to where Brittany was resting.

"Are you comfortable, Daughter of Eve?"

Brittany nodded, the tiredness evident in her voice. "Yes, thank you."

The attention of the Faun diverted and he looked at Adam. "And you?"

Adam smiled and nodded as he glanced over and could see that Brittany had closed her eyes, but like at home, the little girl could not sleep and kept fidgeting as she tried to get comfortable. "She's very restless," he explained softly when he saw that Tumnus was now looking at the little girl as though anticipating some sort of rationale for Brittany's endless movement.

Brittany opened her eyes again, this time they were beginning to tear up, she was tired, could not sleep, and was getting scared. "Adam?" She whispered the name of her friend after about ten minutes of tossing and turning.

"Your friend seems to have fallen asleep," Tumnus said softly as he held a single finger over his lips. Brittany looked over towards where Adam rested, and sure enough the human angel was fast asleep.

"He's lucky," the little girl muttered to herself as she once again shifted on the chair.

"I beg your pardon," Tunmus said as he turned around. He had heard Brittany speak, but he had not heard specifically what she had said, and based on what he was able to comprehend, he could hardly understand.

"I wish I could," Brittany said softly as the Faun stood up, excused himself, and disappeared from the room only to return moments later with a blanket for Adam. Once he covered the sleeping angel with the object, his attention turned back to Brittany who was still seated on the chair and was endlessly fidgeting.

"Now then, please tell me what you meant. I failed to understand what you had said, I'm afraid."

"I haven't slept in weeks is all," she whispered.

"Why is that?" He asked.

"I don't know," she responded all the while trying to keep her voice low so as to not disturb her best friend. After a few moments, she looked at the Faun and could see that he had placed teacups on the table near them. "Did you make tea, Mr. Tumnus?" She asked all the while trying to change the subject.

"Yes, I did, would you like a cup, maybe it would help?" He smiled at her.

Brittany nodded and graciously accepted when he brought over a cup and handed it to her. As soon as she had taken a sip, she looked up and her eyes met his. "You have been very nice to us, thank you."

Tumnus waved his hand, but smiled. "I always welcome a visit from new friends."

The young girl smiled as she took a sip of the warm liquid. The warmth of the tea soothed her right down to her toes and she looked up at him as he sipped from his own cup. "This tastes really good."

"Yes, a warm tea and nice company, there's exists not too many things that one could compare it to," he said with a soft chuckle as he replaced the cup onto the small plate he held in his other hand.

"What's it like here?" Brittany asked trying to stifle a yawn. "Do you ever feel lonely?"

"No, I can't say I have," he said all the while wishing that he could have answered affirmatively, if only to show her that he related to her in some small way. "Do you feel lonely here?"

"No, but I do at home, sometimes, actually, almost all the time, except for the times when Adam comes to visit me, but he can't do that very much because of his job," she said softly, fresh tears in her eyes and she looked at him. "Can I tell you a secret?"

"Yes, if you would like."

"Adam is an angel," Brittany began, "but he's not usually like that."

"Like what?"

The girl eventually shook her head, but after a few moments had passed, she looked at the Faun sorrowfully. "I don't know if I can explain without confusing you, but Adam is usually a grown up, but now he's like a kid, and it's all so strange for him. I have to admit, I love being here in Narnia, but I'm worried." Sighing deeply she stared down at her lap, as Tumnus came over and rested a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"You mustn't be worried about that which I won't understand," Tumnus said softly. "You know in your heart what you can tell me."

Brittany nodded as she looked into the gentle eyes of her host. "I don't know if I can explain it all, Mr. Tumnus, I ended up here suddenly and I don't understand how. Adam isn't himself, he's like someone different, and the worst thing is, I'm scared, but I don't even know why."

"You are not afraid of me, are you, Daughter of Eve?"

The young girl shook her head, but before she did, she could see a horrified look shadowing the face of her new friend and this alone caused her eyes to fill with tears. Eventually, she found her voice and was able to offer him an answer. "No, but I am afraid that no matter what I do, every friend I ever make will be someone I will have to say good-bye to. It will probably happen with you, too, I will go home, and I…" she took a deep breath all the while trying to continue speaking without her voice cracking. Eventually, she managed to finish the statement. "…Will forget."

"No, you won't, a part of you will always remember this place, Brittany," Tumnus said matter-of-factly. "Even after you return home to your world, you will have changed, because you have been to Narnia and it is the kind of place that changes everyone at least a little."

She shook her head and looked down at her lap. Eventually, she placed the teacup on the table so that she could cover her face with her hands. As the tears continued to stream from beneath her eyes, the Faun once more came over and rested his hand gently on her shoulder. "Would you accept the help perhaps from a new friend, Brittany?" Tumnus asked.

"I want to," she said softly, but as she spoke, the tears tumbled down over her face.

"Why won't you?" He challenged and somewhere in all of this, it was clear that the answers seemed to be so simple to him, but he could tell that to her, they were monumentally complex. Silently, he sat down on the floor and waited for her to answer.

"I don't know," she whispered, but in the back of her mind, she kept asking herself if Tumnus could play his flute still and help lull her to sleep. She was so tired, but she was afraid to ask this of him, as it might hurt him and that was not what she wished to do. After a few minutes, she rubbed her eyes. "It's late, isn't it?"

"Yes, I would say so," he said softly. "Daughter of Eve, if you need rest, then perhaps we should stop speaking so you could sleep a little."

"I cannot," she whispered, but when she saw him reaching for his flute, she smiled weakly hoping that he would play some music for her, but the last thing she really wanted to do was make an abrupt inquiry about it as it might make him feel unhappy or uncomfortable. "You're going to play?"

He smiled and nodded. "Only if you would wish."

Brittany offered him a reciprocating nod. "Yes, oh please can you play something that might help me to sleep, Mr. Tumnus?"

The Faun nodded as he took the flute and brought the instrument to his lips and began to play. This time, he felt a strange sense of joy in playing music for the young girl, as he knew that it would help her instead of bring harm to her. As he played, his eyes were on the small girl and he remembered how she appeared to be a few years younger than Lucy had been when he had first met her in the very same wood near his cave.

He remembered how the flute he was playing had nearly cost the life of a friend whom he had come to hold dear to him and after Brittany had fallen asleep, he removed the object from his lips and returned it to the small black case, which was placed next to him. Lost in his own thoughts, he got to his feet, covered the child with a second blanket, put out the light and went into his room leaving his slumbering guests in the small, but comfortable, chairs.

Chapter 3:

The Journey to Cair Paravel

The following morning, Tumnus awoke, and emerged from his room to see that Brittany was still asleep on her chair. "Adam, I see you are awake."

"Yes, I woke up about an hour ago and found this book," he said and held up the one entitled 'Is Man a Myth?'. "It's very interesting."

"I suppose it is no longer a myth, of course," Tumnus said and smiled ever so slightly. "We must be off very soon if we are to reach Cair Paravel by nightfall."

Adam nodded and went over and shook Brittany slightly. "She's not waking."

Tumnus shook his head. "She is in a trance, I used my flute to help encourage her to sleep." He leaned over and snapped his fingers in front of her and the little girl opened her eyes to see both of them standing before her.

"W-where am I?" She asked weakly.

"You're in my cave, Brittany. You and your friend are here in Narnia," the Faun said softly.

The little girl nodded and looked over in the direction of where her best friend now stood. Adam was still a boy, and she was overcome with memories of the day before.

"We're really in Narnia?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes. "But how? I mean; I thought I would wake up at home."

"I'm sorry," Tumnus said softly. "I would guess that you would like to return home, but the only way I know of to get you both back to your world would be to summon Aslan from the foreign lands of which he has journeyed. The only place where I think we may meet him would be Cair Paravel. There, you can freshen up and inquire of our good kings and queens as to how you will return to your strange closet in Virginia.”

Brittany smiled upon hearing his strange speech, but bowed slightly, the thought of being introduced to kings and queens as something rather exciting. “Thank you so much, Mr. Tumnus.”

Tumnus nodded as the three of them made ready to leave his cozy cave. This time the Faun gave her a second woolen jacket and told her to button it to the top button as it was still cold outside, and Brittany's thin cotton nightgown would not be suitable for the weather.

As she finished buttoning the jacket, she looked around the small cave, and a melancholy tear streamed from beneath her eyes as she realized how sorry she felt to leave this wonderful cave, but Adam and Tumnus both insisted that it was now time to go.

Together, they made their way outside, through the snow, and in the direction of Cair Paravel.

As they walked further and further through the meadow, Brittany smiled as she recognized some of the places she had read about in the books. “Look,” she whispered to Adam. “There’s the Witch’s castle right between those two hills, and that’s the Beavers’ dam where the present kings and queens were given sanctuary after their arrival.”

Adam looked at her, he could see the excitement in the eyes of his young friend, but realized that he could not help but inquire something of her. “Brittany, are you not just a little bit worried? What will your mother say when she notices that we’re suddenly gone?”

Don’t you remember? In the book, the times were different somehow. When we get back, the time that has passed in Virginia will be perhaps only seconds,” Brittany said and even though he remained somewhat nervous, she looked at him. “Look around you, how many times have you seen such beautiful trees, and the sunshine practically dancing on the leaves? You said that you see this in God's country, but couldn't Narnia also be a part of that, and you can tell that this is a wonderful thing, right?"

Yes, you are right, but I would only like to know if I will ever be myself again. I feel very strange in this place,” he said softly.

I know, but think about what I said yesterday, most of the people who have come here have been children. Do you think that it is possible that you could have come as a grown up? I mean; you would have to come as a kid like me or else maybe you wouldn't have gotten in at all," she reasoned with him.

I know you're right, but I am slightly uneasy about this,” Adam said. "Do you believe that we'll ever get back?"

I don't know, but think about it, there is one who does,” Brittany began, her eyes shining brightly. “Aslan would know. He would be able to help us understand why we’re here,” she turned to Tumnus. “Please tell me, Mr. Tumnus, is Narnia having peaceful times now? Have there been any invasions during the last year or so?”

No, Daughter of Eve, as I said last evening, it has been relatively peaceful during the reign of High King Peter, King Edmund, Queen Susan, and Queen Lucy,” he answered. “We have enjoyed much happiness during these times.”

How many years has it been since the defeat of the White Witch?” Brittany asked trying to keep her voice cheerful, but also trying to remember if she or Adam were in any kind of danger there.

It's been three years,” Tumnus replied.

Adam sighed deeply grateful that Brittany was there with them, as she seemed to have remembered the stories much better than he had.


It was late in the afternoon when they finally stopped to have lunch. Tumnus spread out a blanket and Brittany was able to sit down on the ground. Next, the Faun collected water and had some snacks for them. As the little girl looked around, she noticed that the entire meadow was filled with life.

When the three friends eventually sat down for tea, another Faun approached, and he greeted Tumnus jovially. "My dear friend Tumnus, I thought I would not see you for many a season," he began to speak as his green eyes surveyed the group before eventually coming to rest on his friend.

Brittany smiled as soon as she saw the Faun. Unlike Tumnus, whose hair was coal black in color, this faun's hair was dark blonde in color.

"Hello, Andreas," Tumnus said pleasantly as he took the hands of his friend. "May I introduce my friends, the Daughter of Eve is Brittany, the Son of Adam is coincidentally also named Adam."

The new Faun who had joined them bowed formally as he reached for Brittany's hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. "My name, as Tumnus has already informed you, is Andreas," he said smiling.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Andreas," Brittany said smiling ironically, because she could not help but think that there was something very warm and familiar about the Faun who had joined them. He had the same warmth that she had often seen in Andrew, but at the same time, she opted to keep this observation to herself.

"The pleasure, oh Daughter of Eve, is all mine," he said as he held up a basket that was filled with the freshest apples that Brittany had ever seen. "Please, I would wish to sit with you for the afternoon, and I shall share my apples with you." Upon hearing these words, she inched over slightly so their new friend could sit on the edge of the blanket as well.

"Thank you, Mr. Andreas," Brittany said as she took an apple from his basket and watched as he offered one to Adam as well. The angel in human form also seemed to notice the familiarity that emanated from the second Faun, but he too, said nothing. In the deepest recesses of his conscious, Adam believed that Andreas could very easily have passed as Andrew's twin. Well, of course with the exception of the furry legs, hooves, the horns on his head, and the beard on his chin; which was the same soft blonde color as the hair on his head.

"How is your family?" Tumnus asked as Andreas placed the basket back on the ground and polished an apple on the green and beige colored muffler he wore around his neck.

"Quite well, quite well, we have had a very strong winter here in Narnia, not one of this kind since the White Witch was alive," Andreas said as he wiped the snow from off his furry legs. "Now, I feel that spring is once again upon us, and it will be nice to partake in the midnight dances with the Dryads and the Nymphs."

"Oh yes," Tumnus concurred. "It was a lovely time. Way before the White Witch came and covered Narnia with eternal winter, we would celebrate in the glades with the Nymphs who would bring drink and the Dryads would supply us with the freshest berries this wood has yet to see since my grandfather's grandfather lived here."

"Then she came…" Andreas said softly, his voice trailing off.

"Were you hurt by the witch?" Brittany asked him, the concern that she had for him overriding the fact that she was getting cold sitting there on the snowy ground.

"No, no, of course not, but I did see her turn a number of our friends into stone, and it was quite a frightening sight," Andreas replied all the while shaking his head. "It was a bad time in Narnia, evil, the likes that my father, and even his father had never seen before, but thankfully Aslan came and saved us all."

"Don't forget our brave kings and queens," Tumnus said.

"Yes, yes, of course you are right," Andreas said. "I remember the day that the witch had arrived in our small village, we had been celebrating with the Nymphs and Dryads of the neighboring village, and the food and drink were wonderful, the taste of berries and honey. Sometimes, I can still taste them in the dewdrops on my tongue during the early morning hours. Twas quite a delightful time, but I am certain that you remember this, do you not, Tumnus?"

"Yes, I remember, it was the day that she came and many of our families were turned to stone," Tumnus said sadly all the while shaking his head as he recalled those nightmarish events.

"How horrible," Brittany said softly as Adam nodded completely in concurrence with how tragic these events must have been for the Fauns over the course of the witch's reign over Narnia. "But, it's over, right? I would be very frightened if I were to see this evil witch return."

"Yes, yes, Aslan has done away with her," Tumnus replied and nodded. "But, Andreas, you are so right, those were horrible times, no question."

"Yes, but as the prophecy goes, everything was once again set right," Andreas said.

Adam nodded as he took a bite of the apple. "Have you seen Aslan, Mr. Andreas?"

"Yes, yes, it was during the last battle with the witch's supporters. It was a messy ordeal," Andreas said softly, but after a few moments, his eyes shadowed over. "But, my friends, there is a rumor in the forest that the White Witch's supporters are trying to regroup. The word around the meadows and glades are that evil times may return to Narnia and very soon."

"Who told you that?" Tumnus asked.

Andreas shook his head. "It was one of the trees, if my memory serves me correctly."

"Maybe you should come with us, Mr. Andreas," Adam suggested. "It might be a good idea for all of us to inform the kings and queens of this rumor, then action can be taken to prevent it if there is any semblance of truth to it."

"Yes, Adam, I believe you are right," Tumnus said softly. "Andreas, we must be off at once, the sooner Their Majesties are made aware of this, the sooner they will be able to take necessary action to keep peace here."

The second Faun nodded adamantly as he collected his basket. With the help of his friends, they were able to place all the remaining food in the basket alongside the apples.

Brittany took the blanket that Tumnus had spread out on the ground and shook it out. With Andreas' help, they managed to fold it and place it back inside the basket.

As Tumnus and Brittany walked slowly from where they had stopped to rest, Adam could feel a hand on his shoulder and he turned around and smiled as the initial thought that the Faun who was resting his hand on his shoulder could be his friend and fellow Angel of Death. "OK, out with it, what are you doing in Narnia, Andrew?"

"I have always lived in Narnia, Son of Adam, ever since I was a little Faun," came the honest answer. "You must be mistaken, as I have not met any of your kind in my entire life and I have lived many a year in these woods."

The angel blushed but released a pent up sigh, and offered a tentative nod. He could have sworn that the creature was his friend, but when he saw nothing short of confusion on Andreas' face, he immediately wondered if it was him who was loosing his mind. "I'm sorry," he finally managed to say, his voice filled with the utmost sadness. If that had really been the angel called Andrew and not the Faun called Andreas, he would not have felt so isolated in this strange place, but now, as he realized that Andreas was a virtual stranger to him, and now the boy angel looked as lost as lost could be.

"Are you OK?" Andreas finally managed to ask.

"I suppose so," he responded. "Sorry about that, I honestly thought that you were someone else, someone I knew back in another place, perhaps even another time."

"Tell me about where you come from," Andreas said softly.

"Well, there is very little to tell, Mr. Andreas, Brittany is from Virginia and we are in Narnia quite by accident," he said softly.

Andreas smiled, "Yes, I see, but with my friend, Tumnus, you are in the best of hands, he is a very brave. All of the Fauns in Narnia regard him with great respect. He has a loyalty to friends that is without explanation, and his kindness is very special. You will be well taken care of in his company."

Adam nodded, and instead of mention his troubled thoughts to their new friend, the two of them rushed to catch up with Brittany and Tumnus, who were now talking to each other as if they had known the other their whole lives.

Chapter 4:

From Within the Palace Walls

It was late in the evening when Tumnus, Andreas, Brittany, and Adam arrived at the castle of Cair Paravel. As they approached the large stone structure and entered into the courtyard through the large iron gates, Brittany self-consciously reached for Adam's hand, her intimidation obviously showing.

Once in the large courtyard, they walked toward the entrance to a large beautiful hall and the little girl could feel her hands beginning to get clammy as she released Adam's in order to wipe them down the front of the nightgown she was wearing.

Once Tumnus led them all inside and through a large open hall, the young girl beheld the place as a feeling of extreme fear, but also of increasing wonder overwhelmed her. After some moments had passed, she turned to Adam and spoke, her voice cracking with emotion as she tried without success to keep her anxiety and nervousness at bay. “Is it not beautiful?" She breathed as she wrapped Tumnus' shawl even tighter around her shoulders. "It is almost like a place that comes straight out of a dream.”

Yes,” Adam had to admit, but Brittany could tell that the only thing that was on her best friend's mind was his own plight as well as the words Andreas had said to him earlier.

When Brittany noticed how he remained still and silent, she could not help but wonder in the back of her mind as to whether or not she had said something that might have upset him, because he was now much quieter than usual.

Rather than wait for her angelic friend to speak again her attention switched to the Faun who had been showing them the way inside the palace. Andreas had, by this time, disappeared through a doorway, his intention to tell Mr. Beaver about what he had heard, but Tumnus remained with his two new friends.

When they finally reached another doorway, the Faun stopped, turned around, and spoke, his voice soft and gentile. “We have arrived, my friends, I shall go at once, and announce you to Their Majesties. Please wait here.”

Before either Brittany or Adam could object or offer so much as a reply, Tumnus had disappeared inside and after maybe five minutes had passed, Adam turned and looked down at her. “Do you think they will be able to help us?”

I don’t know,” she looked down at her feet all the while not even telling him that she would rather be there with him in Narnia than back at home all alone with only four walls to stare at, and no one, besides Adam, of course, to talk to.

Finally, after a few moments of silence had passed between them, she finally blurted the question that had been bothering her since their arrival in this magical land. “Adam, are you mad at me?”

No, where ever did you get that idea?” He asked.

I don’t know. As we were coming here, you were so quiet it scared me. I guess I was afraid that you would be upset because I am kind of excited about us being in Narnia. I mean, it really is Narnia, and we’re really going to meet the kings and queens,” Brittany said softly. “And maybe even Aslan. What would you say if you were to meet him?”

I do not know,” Adam said honestly. “All of this time, I had believed that he was only fiction. Now that I am here, I don’t know what to say or think. I wish that we had brought the book with us.”

Before Brittany could offer any sort of response, Tumnus returned and looked at the two of them, his large eyes filled with empathy. “Their Majesties have been informed of your visit and are awaiting you.”

Hearing these words caused Brittany to self-consciously back up, all the while, she looked down at her clothing and ran her now sweaty hands down the wrinkled nightgown she wore. It was at that instant that she suddenly felt under-dressed and insignificant.

A few moments of awkward hesitation followed and she glanced nervously around and swallowed the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat. “Adam, this is real, isn’t it?” She asked anxiously.

The human angel nodded numbly, but reached over and took her trembling hand. With her hand gently, but securely in his, he led his friend into a large ballroom. A few steps behind them, Tumnus followed, his heart going out to the young frightened girl whom he had accompanied since their arrival in Narnia.

As they walked through the hall, Brittany could barely make out four thrones at the other end of the large corridor. She looked at her best friend and somehow, she knew that it was his own courage that was keeping her from turning around and running out of the castle without even looking back. Never in her entire life had she felt as nervous and unsettled as she did at that precise moment.

After a few moments, she managed to divert her attention away from the toes of her shoes and around the large hall, which she was now walking through. All around, she could see the evidence of a prosperous kingdom, photos in golden frames, and a large red banner with a golden lion hanging on either side of the four thrones. With nervous anticipation literally emanating her, she continued walking slowly towards the stairs that led up to the thrones with her best friend holding her hand tightly in his own.

She stopped short, before reaching the end of the corridor, but Adam continued to pull gently on her hand. “I know you’re nervous, Brittany, but remember, these are good people, you’ve read the books, you know they mean you no harm.”

Hearing his assurances, she nodded, as she once again wiped her free hand down the front of her nightgown. With fear gripping her, she once more began to walk and as they reached the first step, she could not find the courage to ascend the steps and come any closer.

Adam could now see four people seated before them; the youngest of them appeared to be only a few years older than Brittany. Time seemed to pass in slow motion as the two of them stood bewildered in front of the stairs that lead up to the thrones. It was then that Adam released her hand and she stood there for some moments feeling not only panic-stricken, but also sheepish and out of place.

Looking around, Brittany could feel four pairs of eyes on her and she managed a somewhat clumsy curtsy, all the while trying to practice what she only knew from reading fairy tale books and playing pretend back at her bedroom at home.

As soon as she managed to remain on her feet, she glanced over to see Adam execute a bow that looked as though he had been practicing for this moment his entire existence.

Peter, the High King of Narnia, stood up slowly and descended the steps. He walked over to Brittany and Adam and extended both of his hands. “Welcome to Cair Paravel, I am Peter, my brother is Edmund and my two sisters are Susan and Lucy.”

Brittany wiped the sweat from her hands and offered her own hesitantly. When she felt the warm hand of the High King holding hers she managed to speak, her voice emerging in an incomprehensible stammer. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

What are your names?” King Edmund asked as he stood up and came down the stairs to greet them, his eyes meeting hers, and he could see that the young girl looked as though she was about to faint. On her face was a weak, yet shy, smile, but her eyes were filled with the utmost terror that his heart went out to her.

My name is Adam, and this is my friend, Brittany,” came the soft answer from the human angel.

Mr. Tumnus, you were right, there are more children in Narnia,” the youngest of the monarchs said with delight in her voice, and Brittany knew immediately that this had to be Queen Lucy. She came over to them, “I am so pleased to meet you,” she reached for Adam's hands and when he offered them to her, she smiled looking up at him, her eyes shining. “I’m so happy to welcome you both to Narnia.”

Your Majesties, we would be honored to remain here, but right now we are trying to get back home, can you not help us?” Adam asked as he glanced over and could see that Brittany's face was practically white.

Peter nodded as he looked down at Brittany. "You have nothing to be afraid of, Brittany," he said as he patted her hand. "I know that this is very strange for you, but we are here to help you, and I am certain that everything will be fine."

The little girl looked up into the kind eyes of the Narnian king. "I'm sorry, it's just that I am starting to feel rather like Dorothy in Oz.”

"Who?" Queen Susan asked as she descended the steps and approached where they were all standing.

"Just a figure of speech," Brittany said softly. "It was a story that was about a girl who was swept away by a tornado and taken into a magical land and the whole time, she was trying to get back home to Kansas."

Queen Susan nodded as she rested a gentle hand on Brittany's shoulder. “I will summon all the help I can find to assist you both,” she promised, “but for now, you must freshen up a little, we have had a very cold winter here this year. I will ask Miss Bear and Miss Eagle to assist you, Brittany.”

Yes,” said the High King, and rather than sounding like a boy, he came across with the authority of a man, almost reminding Brittany of Tess.

Adam must have had the same thought, because he looked at the young girl and smiled as the word 'Tess' emerged from between his lips.

"I beg your pardon?" High King Peter asked.

"Nothing, Your Majesty," Adam quickly recovered as the youngest of the four monarchs approached Brittany.

Come with Susan and me,” Queen Lucy said taking Brittany's arm as she started to steer the little girl towards one of the doors, which would lead out of the great hall.

Not having any other choice, Brittany looked back at Adam for a moment before she was led away. “Adam,” she called out.

I’ll be here when you return, Brittany. Don’t worry, you’re going to be OK,” he said offering her an encouraging smile.

As Brittany left the hall with the two queens, Adam remained in the large ballroom with the two Fauns as well as the two kings. Moments later, the High King looked at him. “Now, then. Is there anything we can do for you, Adam?”

I do not know, Your Majesty,” he answered. “Brittany and I are strangers here, and we only wish to find our way back home. We had come here somehow through a large forest near the lamppost. There we met Mr. Tumnus and after spending a very hospitable evening in his home, he brought us here.”

"Your Majesty, there are rumors in the wood that the White Witch's supporters are regrouping," Andreas said.

Peter looked at the Faun and nodded. "Yes, we too have heard the rumors from others, Mr. Andreas, and I agree that something must be undertaken with regards to this."

Perhaps it is time that we should summon Aslan,” Edmund said softly, “I have no idea about any other way to return them to their home, but also if there are any truth to the rumors, this could destroy the peace here.”

Peter nodded, but he smiled at the two Fauns. "I think that you should go to the Beavers and tell them, then we will figure out what should be done." He turned to Tumnus. "Lucy has requested that you join her for tea, Mr. Tumnus, she would very much like to catch up with you as it has been many years since she has last seen you."

Tumnus nodded and took his leave.

At that moment, High King Peter turned to face Adam; “I can assure you that, while you are in Narnia, we will make every effort to make your stay as comfortable as possible.”

Yes,” King Edmund concurred, “but as for finding Aslan, Peter, I do not know how to send word to him, he is after all, not a tame lion, and I have no idea where he is.”

Then until he comes, we will do whatever is necessary to make your stay comfortable," the eldest of the Monarchs promised. "I only hope that there won't be any problems during this time.”

After these words were out, King Edmund excused himself, and left the room using the same door his sisters had lead Brittany out of only moments before. Peter, Adam, and Andreas were left alone.

Chapter 5:

New Lessons as Trouble Brews

Brittany was standing in the large bedroom she was to use while in Narnia. Ten minutes had passed since she had been in the Great Hall and had been introduced to the four young monarchs. Lucy and Susan had brought her here to freshen up, but she found herself literally gawking at the beautiful room, instead of even washing her face as she thought she ought to have been doing.

She could see a mirror on one wall, and when she looked at it, she frowned when she beheld her appearance. Her clothing was wrinkled, her eyes somewhat sunken in from lack of sleep. She and Adam had been there less than a day, and even after sleeping through the night at Tumnus' cave, she still felt increasingly weary. It feels like jetlag, she thought to herself, not even stopping to consider the fact that she had never before been up in a plane.

Now she stood in a large room that put her own to shame.

Seconds later, someone knocked and she went slowly towards the door to open it. Standing on the other side was King Edmund. She looked down at her clothing and tried to smooth out the wrinkles in the nightgown she was wearing as he entered the room.

I understand that everything is satisfactory?” he began.

Brittany nodded. “Y-yes, thank you, Your Majesty,” she eventually managed to stammer, her words filled with the extent of her intimidation.

Edmund nodded smiling down at her. "Brittany, it's OK, you have nothing to worry about here. We are not so many years older than you, but we are just kids; like you."

The little girl nodded, her eyes still gazing around the room all the while trying to hide her discomfort.

Do you like your room?” he asked pleasantly.

Yes,” Brittany said softly. “I would be kind of crazy not to like it, actually.”

I'm glad,” he smiled.

"Where are Mr. Tumnus, Mr. Andreas, and Adam?" Brittany finally asked.

"Adam and Andreas are in the main hall with my brother Peter, and Tumnus is having tea with Lucy," Edmund answered. "Lucy was very happy to see him again, as I am sure you understand, so I have come to make sure you are doing OK. Miss Bear and Miss Eagle will be along to help, but they have been having a jolly time trying to finish the tapestries in the front hall. You know between you and me, they did not need to be washed today, but the two of them always seem to be on some sort of schedule."

"Weird, but that sounds like my family back at home," Brittany said sadly. "My uncle and mother work quite often."

"And your father?" King Edmund asked.

"He's gone," Brittany said softly. "I have never seen him before."

I’m terribly sorry,” he offered gently.

"I guess; whenever I think about going home I am very sad because I like being here in Narnia. Mr. Tumnus is so nice, and though I don't know Mr. Andreas very well, he reminds me of another friend. It's just so wonderful here."

"Yes," Edmund agreed and smiled, "it is quite an exciting place, but tell me, how old are you?"

Almost nine, I’ll have my birthday in a few weeks,” she said softly.

And how did you come to meet Adam?” he asked.

We met when I was six-years-old,” She began. “He was visiting me when my grandfather was very sick and dying. Adam spent a lot of time with me, talking to me and making me feel better.” As she spoke, she went over and sat down on the bed and looked down at her lap. She still had not gotten over the passing of her grandfather as of yet and now more than ever, she was overcome with grief whenever she would think about him. Now, she glanced up to see that King Edmund had come over and was seated next to her. At that moment, she realized that she could not bring herself to look into the sympathetic eyes of the young Narnian king.

He rested his hand on her shoulder, thus causing her to look up. “I apologize if my questions are painful. To upset you was not my intent.”

She looked up slightly, “It’s OK, but I wish my answers could be happier. I won't lie to you and tell you that my life is wonderful, because it's not.”

No, I would not wish for you to lie to me,” he said softly. “I must ask you a question, and it is not related to your troubles. Before we met, Mr. Tumnus spoke briefly of where you and Adam came from, but I believe he was confused because he said something about a magical closet in Virginia. ”

No, what he said is true, Your Majesty,“ she said. “I live in Virginia with my mom and uncle.”

I have heard of Virginia, you see, we had geography in school,” he began.

I-I spent my whole life living there,” her face clouded over as she began to speak of her home. She didn't want to tell him that she did not like it, but from looking at her, it was obvious that the isolated little girl seemed to embody the emotion of loneliness.

Edmund noticed this and looked at her, “If you do not wish to speak of this, you mustn’t feel obligated to.”

I guess I feel better talking about it, but I barely know you and you're a king and I'm just…" Her voice trailed and she stared down at her shoes.


"A stupid kid, who's not even worth her own mother's time," she whispered more to herself than to him, but what she didn't expect was for him to reach over and take her face in his hand and make her look up, her eyes meeting his.

Brittany, I am going to tell you something that may come as a surprise to you, but you are always worth the time, love, and affection of your family. You are also someone who is of a great deal of importance. Believe me, in the past years, I have had a great many hard lessons to learn, and I will tell you, jealousy, and anger will leave you with nothing, but love and compassion will make a person see their own beauty, more so than they, themselves, could possibly comprehend,” he said gently. "You remember that, yes?"

Thank you,” she smiled weakly. “But, I didn't mean to unload my problems on you.”

No, it was my pleasure to speak with you, really, and if there is anything I can do to make your stay here more pleasant, please ask any of us, that includes my brother or sisters,” he said and smiled.

I will,” she said, her voice soft as he stood up.

I must return downstairs,” he said gently. "Unless you are in need of anything else?"

No,” she whispered all the while wishing that she could have asked him for something warmer to wear.

King Edmund looked her directly in the eyes before taking his leave. “You will let me know if you need anything, yes?”

She nodded and once he was gone, she stood up and went to the window. As she reached it, she extended her hand out and touched the glass as she stared outside at the garden below. As she stood there, she was jarred back to the moment when a loud trumpet blast broke the stillness. She ran to the door, opened it, and came out into the hallway not knowing fully what to expect. There she met up with Queen Susan who was coming in the direction of her room with a warmer dress slung over her shoulder.

"Brittany," the young monarch said to the little girl. "Put this on and meet us downstairs, we are in need of your help."

'My help,' the words flashed through Brittany's mind, but instead of speaking, she rushed back into her room, closed the door and quickly put the dress on. Moments later, when she reemerged from the room, she recognized that Tumnus and Queen Lucy were coming out of a nearby room. As they did, Brittany could see that Lucy carried a worried look on her face.

Instead of speaking, Queen Lucy reached for Brittany's hand, and together the three of them raced down the stairs in the direction of the large hall.


As this loud blast erupted the stillness of the Great Hall, Adam was still standing next to King Peter.

What is that?” he asked when he saw the look of concern cross the face of the High King. The trumpets continued for some moments before their sounds faded in the distance. This suddenly brought the youngest of the monarchs back into the room with Brittany and Tumnus following close behind. On Brittany's face, the little girl carried a look of intense fear.

As the sounds continued, Brittany reached where Adam was standing and moments later; King Edmund and Queen Susan had returned to the ballroom and looked to their elder brother for some sort of explanation as well as instruction.

Brittany could see that the faces of the four monarchs had changed and instead of smiling, they had started to frown, their attention diverting to an even more pressing dilemma than her and Adam's quest to get back home.

What is happening?” Brittany asked weakly noticing the concern that had crossed Queen Lucy’s face. Self-consciously, she reached for Adam’s hand.

More of the White Witch’s armies have regrouped,” a warm alto voice emerged and they turned around to see a large brown bear entering the ballroom. Brittany turned and shrank back when she saw the bear coming towards her, but when the bear spoke again; Brittany almost did a double take. The bear spoke with a warm voice, which the little girl immediately recognized. It was Tess' voice.

Instead of paying any attention to the little girl's response, Queen Lucy made eye contact with the bear and spoke. "Miss Bear, have all our people been sent to be armed and ready."

"Yes, Your Majesty," The bear said as she looked at Brittany and smiled, her white teeth showing, as she took a large paw and scratched her black nose. "All of our people are in good hands, Miss Eagle has been trying to get everyone ready for the worst."

Brittany looked up at Adam. "She sounds like Tess," the little girl whispered.

Adam nodded, but in the distance, he could hear that Andreas had returned, and his eyes were wide with surprise as he spoke. "Your Majesties, there is trouble coming."

Oh dear,“ Queen Susan said softly. “Peter, what shall we do?”

Yes,” Edmund said. “I was certain that we had destroyed all of her subjects.”

I know,“ the eldest of the rulers said, but instead of arguing with his siblings, he turned to the one who had brought him the distressing news. “Mr. Andreas, could you send a message to our armies?”

Yes,” came the answer, “but I think you should know that our enemies are just outside the palace gates. It appears as though the only way to get news outside of Cair Paravel is through the underground.”

Then organize our people from within its gates,” Peter said. “We must find a way to keep them from harming our people, as well as preventing them from gaining access to Cair Paravel.”

Yes, Your Majesty,” the Faun said as he left them.

I thought things were peaceful here, that’s what Mr. Tumnus had told us,” Brittany stammered, her eyes wide with fear as she turned to face Adam. “What are we going to do, how are we going to get home if we cannot leave this castle?”

Adam rested his hand on her shoulder in hopes of calming her, but he looked at the kings and queens unsure of what to say. Deep inside, he was wondering the same thing.

Don’t worry, Brittany,” Queen Lucy said gently walking over and putting her hand on the little girl's shoulder. “We intend on helping you get home, unfortunately, you must have been summoned here to help us somehow defeat our enemies.”

Yes,” Edmund added, “perhaps it is Adam who is to assist us in fending them off.”

King Peter looked at him. "Adam, will you help us?”

When the boy angel looked back over at his young friend, he could see that Brittany was still frightened, but after her eyes met those of King Edmund, she eventually offered a tentative nod. Somehow, they both knew what her action had meant, if they were ever to get home, it would only come about if they were to assist the kings and queens in defeating this enemy.

After some moments of contemplation, Adam could do nothing except offer a slight nod.

Chapter 6:

Aslan Arrives in time for Battle

The two Kings left the ballroom with Adam, and Brittany stood watching until they had disappeared in the distance. She did not like the idea of him going into battle for she feared for his safety. She tried to swallow the anxiety that was gnawing at her and glanced over and could see that Queen Susan and Queen Lucy were still there, but now they appeared as though they were getting ready to go into battle. Queen Susan had grabbed some special kind of horn and was winding the strap around her neck, leaving the object available for use if the need arose. As she was reaching for her bow and arrows, Queen Lucy took a small glass cordial and put it safely inside the pocket of her winter cloak.

Once Queen Susan had finished the task of putting the sheath of arrows on her belt, Queen Lucy turned to Brittany. “Do not worry, Brittany, your friend Adam will be OK, he is brave and strong, and should be able to defend himself.” She took a small knife off the table and made sure it was comfortably in its sheath before sliding it into a second pocket.

I know he will be,” Brittany said softly all the while looking down at her shoes. “He’s the bravest angel I know.”

Both queens looked at the little girl. “Angel?” Lucy whispered to Susan shaking her head slightly.

I mean; person,” Brittany said having heard Lucy’s question and seeing her action. “I know it's probably hard to understand, but where we live, Adam is a grown-up, and he's an angel, but…"

"In Narnia, he's a boy?" Queen Lucy asked.

"Yes, see, he’s like a father to me, and I love him very much. My own father disappeared after I was born, and I didn't see him for a long time. When he did show up, he had…" her voice trailed and she could feel the tears catching in her eyes.

"You mustn't speak of it if it is too painful," Queen Susan said softly as she reached over and touched the little girl's hand.

Brittany looked down at her clothing and then back up at Susan. “I'm OK, it's just hard to talk about all of this.”

Why is that?” Queen Lucy asked as Miss Eagle approached them and their conversation was abruptly interrupted.

Brittany, upon seeing the beautiful eagle could not get over the majestic feathers that adorned the entire body of the bird of prey. "We are ready, Your Majesties," she spoke, and Brittany immediately felt comfortable in the presence of the eagle.

She sounds just like Monica, the little girl thought as the eagle continued speaking.

"I have rallied our people to battle this evil, and soon we shall be ready."

"Thank you Miss Eagle," Queen Susan said smiling. "It is very noble of you to help our people make ready for a possible battle."

"My place here is to serve Aslan, and to be at your service," Miss Eagle said smiling as she bowed to them and then with a last look at them, she unfurled her wings and flew to the top of the hall and disappeared through an open window.

Brittany stared after and shook her head. "I don't believe it."

"What do you not believe?" Queen Lucy asked.

"So many people here remind me of friends I have back home," she said softly.

Queen Susan nodded and looked at her and Queen Lucy. “Right now, I believe we should go! Our brothers, Adam, Andreas and supporters are going to need us to help.”

W-would we have to fight too?” Brittany asked, her voice beginning to tremble as a result of her nervousness.

No, even Aslan has said we are not to join the men in battle, but I have to be there in case someone is wounded,” Lucy said, all the while taking her responsibility very seriously, and leaving Brittany completely amazed. Instead of speaking of this, Brittany watched as the youngest monarch nodded and continued to speak. “Of course, you are right, Susan, let’s go.”

As the little girl listened to the two queens speaking to one another, she could not help but be amazed with how other children could actually speak with authority and wisdom. As Brittany stood practically in a trance as to what was happening around them, she started to worry about whether or not she would be able to offer anyone any kind of assistance in what appeared to be a war. She continued to follow the two queens through the ballroom in the very same direction where she had seen Adam leaving earlier with the two kings.

As they came closer to the doorway that would lead outside, the little girl stopped suddenly.

What is it?” Queen Lucy asked as she turned around and could see that Brittany’s face was now unusually pale.

I was just wondering if I could be as courageous as Adam,” Brittany began. “I’m not the type of person who can defend a kingdom from an invading army. I'm nothing really, except a terrible coward.”

Do you believe deep in your heart that you are not brave, Daughter of Eve?” A loud thunderous voice erupted through the stillness of the courtyard leading to the gates of Cair Paravel.

Brittany kept her head down somewhat but turned around half expecting that she was to answer this question. When she finally glanced up, she could see that perhaps three or four feet in front of her was a large, beautiful, golden lion standing underneath the archway. She looked down at her feet as she felt the fear grip her, and she could do nothing but stand stationary. “A,“ was all she managed to utter, her voice not even able to emerge in order to address him with his name.

Instead of waiting for her to speak, Aslan spoke, his voice strong, assured, and very kind. “Welcome Brittany, Daughter of Eve!”

Aslan!” Queen Lucy smiled upon seeing him.

Dear Aslan, have you returned to help us defeat the witch’s followers?” Queen Susan asked at the very same moment her sister had called out his name.

No, your armies have taken care of them for now,” he said and approached Brittany slowly. The girl unsure of what she should do; shrank back somewhat. “Fear not, my child, no one will harm you here, we are your friends and wish only to help you. As we speak, our army with the help of our new friend, Adam, is defeating the enemy.”

Adam, please be careful,” Brittany found herself whispering under her breath, wondering all the while if she would be able to look at Aslan and actually speak to him without her legs turning to jelly and her stomach doing flip-flops.

You are worried for your friend,” Aslan said interrupting her contemplations.

She nodded still unable to look at him, but all the while feeling a sense of comfort and truth in his words. “He's my best friend,” she said softly nodding, and finally she was able to find the courage to look at him and speak his name. “Aslan.”

Do not worry, he will return to you soon,” he said.

Why have you returned, Aslan?” Lucy asked.

I have come to assist Brittany and Adam in getting home. This child's story has traveled far and wide, and has reached me in the distant countries,” Aslan answered.

Brittany looked up at him. She remembered what she had read about him in the books, and then how she had always hoped that she would be able to see Aslan. Now, that he was standing directly in front of her and speaking to her, she could do nothing except shrug her shoulders.

You see?” Queen Lucy asked. “Aslan will help you get home, Brittany.”

The little girl nodded and after a moment, she found her voice and spoke. “You mean you know about me, and you came all this way only to help us get home?”

Aslan nodded without any words.

Why are we here, Aslan?” Brittany asked weakly.

In time, all of your questions will be answered, Daughter of Eve,” he said.

But, Adam is usually a grown-up. I thought only children could come into Narnia,” Brittany said, the confusion evident in her voice.

Yes, you speak truthfully,” Aslan said and nodded, “but your friend, Adam, is also very special, and he is here to discover that.”

And me? Why am I here?” Brittany asked. "There's nothing special about me."

I cannot tell you why, Brittany,” he said. “You must discover this within yourself,” As he spoke, Brittany was now inching closer to him, but before she could reach her destination, her body lurched forward as exhaustion started to overwhelm her. “What is it, Child?”

I must be dreaming,” she mumbled, but before she could even extend her hand to touch his soft golden mane, she slowly sank to the ground.

Aslan, what has happened her? Is she ill?” Queen Lucy asked when she saw that Brittany had passed out.

She is not ill, Daughter of Eve, she is just very fatigued, has not adequately rested in weeks,” Aslan said softly. “I could tell the moment I saw her. You must arrange her a place to rest.”

Lucy nodded, “yes, we have already given her a room, so I believe that we ought to take her there.” Once she had spoken, the few remaining Narnian helpers approached and helped move Brittany back to her room.

Chapter 7:

Adam's Conscious Speaks

On the battlefield outside the gates of Cair Paravel, Adam was trying to help the two Kings fend off the wolves and other creatures still loyal to the witch.

When the last of the enemies had fled or been destroyed, Adam looked over towards Peter. The High King was cleaning his sword, his younger brother doing the same. They had both learned that every good knight did this once the battle was over.

Adam began to do the same, though he felt horrid. Here he was an angel and though he was an Angel of Death, he never would have even contemplated killing or ending the life of anyone or anything. He glanced over and could see that the two kings had offered him encouraging smiles. Along the wall, the two Fauns he had met with Brittany were standing there, both of them exhausted from the events of the battle, but instead of thinking of them, he could do nothing except walk slowly away from the battlefield and continue the task of cleaning his sword.

Brittany had never before seen him harm another living thing, and yet he wondered if she were to see him in this state, she would probably become either mystified or afraid of him. This worried him beyond reason because he loved Brittany very much and she was anything but a violent person. He cast the sword aside and got down on the ground and dug his hands into the snow that was on the ground. "Oh Father, what am I doing here?"

As the blood that was on his hand bled into the snow, he could feel the coldness of it on his skin. Would he ever be able to look at Brittany when he went back inside, and more than that, he wondered if he would ever be able to look into the eyes of his creator in this disheveled state. The Angel of Death was trapped in human form as a child, and yet, he could still see that the off-white tunic he now wore was smeared with the enemy’s blood. He shook his head despondently and walked back over to the others gathered in the middle of the courtyard.

In the middle of the crowd were the two kings, and various Narnians were surrounding them, some dwarfs, and many mystical creatures like unicorns, and centaurs. As he reached the throng of people assembled, he smiled slightly but could not find the words to speak.

We thank you, Adam,” King Peter said softly. “We would not have been able to defeat this enemy without your assistance.”

Instead of speaking, the boy angel simply shrugged his shoulders and walked slowly towards the entrance to the great hall without even excusing himself.

What do you suppose is wrong with him?” King Edmund asked as he returned the sword to its holster and watched Adam's movement. “Does he not know that he is a hero?”

Perhaps not,” began the High King as the two queens came towards them, but before they had reached where he and Edmund were standing, Lucy too had noticed that Adam was walking rather slowly back towards the door leading inside.

Peter was there anyone wounded?” Queen Lucy asked as she approached.

No one that I know of, it was a rather minor battle, and Adam protected us all very well,” he said shrugging his shoulders.

Queen Lucy nodded, her smile depicting her relief at not having to go and tend to the wounded. Instead of going to celebrate with her folk, she followed the human angel towards the door leading inside.

As she came inside, she could see him, he was standing off to one side; his head was down, his dark hair hanging in clumps down over his shoulders. He was wiping his hands quickly over his bloody tunic.

Adam?” she said softly as she came over to him.

He turned around thinking for a moment that it was Brittany addressing him, but when he saw that it was one of the Narnian queens, he simply nodded his head and looked down at his hands, the feeling of shame overwhelming him.

I will request another shirt for you,” she offered.

Thank you,” he said softly. “I wouldn’t wish for Brittany to see me this way, it might frighten her.”

You really have become someone very special to her, haven’t you?” Lucy asked. “But there is something I do not understand, why do you think you would frighten her?”

Look at me,” was all he said.

She did, and after some moments of silence passed between them, she reached over to him and touched the curly coal black hair that brushed across his cheek. “I am, and I think you are so beautiful.”

My hands are covered with blood,” he began. “My Father would surely be disappointed with me for having done this. But Brittanyshe is a child,” he said softly, almost so softly that he wondered for a moment if she had even heard his words.

Adam, right now, you are a child too, you were brought to Narnia for a reason, there is a purpose behind why you are here," Queen Lucy said gently. She reached over and touched his shoulder, thus causing him to look over at her. "I believe that we all possess such an instinct, the desire to help our friends, and to love one another. I must use my instincts each day as a queen here. I must be fair and caring towards those who have offered their undying support to me,” Lucy said. “Just the same as you choose to protect and love your friend, Brittany.”

Adam considered her words for a few seconds, but after some moments of silence passed between them, he looked back over at her. “Where is Brittany, Your Majesty?”

She fainted after you and my brothers had left to go into battle. Aslan said that it was because she was very tired, but thankfully she is not ill. Our subjects assisted in bringing her to her room so she could get some sleep,” Lucy answered.

Aslan was here?” Adam asked. “Did Brittany get to see him?”

Yes, she did, but I believe she was a little overwhelmed by this meeting. It is understandable though, as the first time I met Aslan I was also tense,” Lucy said softly. “But he is so very kind and gives one no reason to fear.”

Your friend, Mr. Tumnus mentioned Aslan as we were coming here,” Adam said softly. “I imagine that everyone here is quite happy when he comes.”

Yes, I am always overjoyed to see Aslan,” Queen Lucy said, her eyes shining brightly, “but meeting you has been a great pleasure to us all, and you are a hero, Adam. This battle today would not have been won had you not been here to assist my brothers and our subjects.” She reached over and touched his shoulder. “That should bring you a feeling of pride, not sadness. If the witch’s followers had won, it would have been the end of peace in Narnia. Perhaps you were sent here to help save us from that unthinkable possibility.”

I’m no hero, Your Majesty, I was simply doing what I had to do, to protect those I care for,” Adam said softly.

Then whatever the case, or however you view your actions, we can only thank you for them,” she said.

The disheveled Angel of Death looked down at his bloody clothing, “I feel as though I am an animal,” he said softly as he walked away from her. “Nothing more.”

Queen Lucy was left standing there watching his retreating back. Instead of speaking, she stared after him as he disappeared through a doorway.

Chapter 8:

Enhancing a Friendship

Brittany awoke later and recognized immediately that she was back in her room and had been asleep in the large bed. She was still in Narnia and it appeared as though she had slept through the night and that it was now the morning of her third day in this strange and magical place. As she sat up in the bed, she noticed that the door had opened and a female bear had walked into the room, her arms covered with what appeared to be clothing.

Did you sleep well?” the bear asked and Brittany immediately felt as though Tess was back with them and this caused her to feel just a little bit bitter.

Yes, thank you,” she answered as she crawled out of bed and looked outside to see the sunshine coming in through the window. Rested up, Brittany felt an unusual sense of inner calm, but also she was experiencing something like anticipation, although she did not know what it was she was looking forward to.

She looked through the large window and could see the palace gardens below. The snow from the day before had melted and now it looked as though spring had arrived in Narnia. As she looked down towards the courtyard, the bear had laid a fresh change of clothes on the bed and turned to take her leave.

Brittany turned around and spoke before the bear had walked out through the large wooden doorway. “Please, Miss Bear, wait, I must ask you a question?”

Of course, baby,” came the almost immediate answer and Brittany felt as though Tess was with her, that this was not just a bear, but that she seemed to embody the warmth of the angel she knew back at home.

Was Aslan here? I remember only vaguely speaking with him last night, but I was so tired that I probably reacted falsely,” Brittany said softly.

He was here, and you did speak with him,” the bear replied. “I would not worry, Brittany, Aslan knew that you were fatigued from the journey you and your friends had made and he requested that you be brought back here to get some rest.”

He did?” Brittany asked.

Wordlessly, the bear nodded.

And Adam, where is he?” Brittany asked.

Do not worry, your friend will be downstairs when you go to breakfast. The battle last evening was successful, no one was injured,” the bear replied. “Now, I must go, as I have things which need tending before breakfast.”

Thank you,” Brittany offered as the bear took her leave.

Now alone, she walked over to the bed and picked up the dress. It was a beautiful silk like fabric, with a long flowing skirt. She quickly got dressed and discovered that although the fabric was thin, the dress was warm and comfortable. It reminded her of the dress that she had worn when her first grade class had celebrated Halloween. As soon as she buttoned the front of the dress, she began to spin around the room watching as the skirt flowed through the air.

Brittany?” she stopped spinning when she heard a gentle voice calling her name just outside her closed door. She went to open it and saw that Tumnus was standing on the other side.

Good morning,” she said softly but she couldn’t help but smile as the Faun came into the room.

You look more rested now, Daughter of Eve,” he smiled at her.

I suppose I am, I was so tired last night,” she smiled weakly.

I wanted you to know that I was concerned for you when Lucy informed me that you had fainted, I wanted to come see you and attain the certainty that you were alright.“ He reached over and rested his hand against her forehead. “Do you feel better now? Did you sleep well?” he asked.

Brittany nodded smiling shyly upon feeling his touch, “Yes, to both questions.”

Good, then, I will accompany you to breakfast, that is, if you are ready and wish?” he offered his arm and she accepted thinking all the while how good it would be to have something substantial to eat and wondering if she would even be capable of eating at all.

As they walked, she continued to contemplate how good it was that she had watched and read many fairy tale books back at home, because without having done that, she would never have known how to react in the presence of such magical creatures.

As they walked the Faun said nothing to her for some moments, and she felt herself too shy to even try and begin some sort of conversation with him. What would she say anyway? How would he react to her words? She had already said so much to him the first night they had met when she had been in his cave. It frightened her when she thought about what he might think of her for having said what she did.

You have taken a vow of silence?" The Faun's voice broke into her thoughts.

I don’t ever really know what to say,” she offered honestly.

Do you?” He asked. "Daughter of Eve, you have no reason to be afraid here, you are among friends."

You're right, Mr. Tumnus, but maybe I'm just a little bit afraid,” she said softly. “I was thinking about yesterday is all, about how tired I was. Although I love Narnia, I miss my home, and I miss how things were there. Adam was a grown up there, and now, he's different somehow. Your friend Mr. Andreas reminds me of a friend back there, and Miss Bear and Miss Eagle remind me of two of my other friends. It's scary in some ways, but comforting in others.”

Brittany, regardless of how you have come to Narnia, we are all grateful to whomever or whatever brought you here. Without Adam, Narnia could have been lost yesterday, and I was told this morning that we were cut off from our supporters last evening and the only people who could have helped us were those who were present in Cair Paravel. The High King Peter informed many of us afterwards that he was not entirely certain if we would have been able to notify help to come in time.”

I’m glad he was able to help,” she whispered.

May I ask you a question?” The Faun asked.

She nodded unsure of what that question could possibly be.

Adam seemed rather sad last evening, he left the courtyard to go off alone. Does he do this often?”

Yes,” she said softly. “It always makes me very sad when he does this, because I think he's angry with me for some reason.”

How do you handle such a situation?” he asked.

I always try to talk to him, but we always end up talking about my family,” she said softly.

Why do you fear speaking of yourself or your family?” He asked.

Because, I don’t want people feel sorry for me,” Brittany said softly.

I don't, Daughter of Eve, I simply admire your courage.”

I have no courage, Mr. Tumnus,” she whispered looking down at the floor.

Never underestimate yourself, Brittany, it could do you more harm than good.”

The little girl nodded as they reached the stairs that would descend down into a small formal dining room. “Excuse me for saying so,” she began trying to divert the conversation from herself back to Adam. “If you won the battle last night, I don’t understand why Adam would feel so sad?”

He could tell she was concerned by looking at her, “I do not know why it was, but after the battle, he left rather quickly and I noticed that he spent much of the time wiping his hands down the front of the tunic he was wearing.”

Do you suppose he hated having to help?” She asked. "Maybe he didn't want to do what he thought he had to."

Perhaps," Tumnus nodded. "I too was not fond of fighting, but sometimes one must fight in order to preserve the peace."

I know," she whispered as she looked down at the ground. “I just thought that maybe he is very sensitive and maybe that reminds him of something” she paused, before her next word emerged, “evil.” Shaking her head, she continued. “All I know is that if I hadn’t been so terribly tired, I would have celebrated with you. But I don’t understand why Adam...” her voice trailed.

You really care for him, don’t you?” The Faun asked.

He’s like a father to me, Mr. Tumnus, I would sacrifice everything for him,” she said.

By this time, they had reached a small dining area and Brittany could see that Adam was seated at a table between Lucy and Andreas.

Adam,” she called out his name causing him to look up. Tumnus released her arm and motioned for her to go to him. She did and walked slowly over to the table where he sat. As she did, Andreas stood up and allowed her to take his place next to her friend. “Hi,” she offered shyly once she had sat down.

How are you?” his question emerged, soft, and she could detect an uncertainty in the tone of his voice and wondered immediately if something was wrong.

Fine,” she offered her own voice filled with insecurity and it was evident that she was not sure if she should say anything further. Tumnus’ words were still clinging in her mind and she wanted to ask Adam more than anything why he was so sad or about what had happened the previous night while she had slept. She wondered if it had something to do with her, and concluded that this must certainly be the case.

Brittany, is something wrong?” Adam eventually asked as he looked somewhat hesitantly at her. As he spoke, he realized that his young friend was obviously troubled about something.

Adam, why are you so sad?” she finally asked looking at him.

I miss our friends, Brittany,” he said his voice all the while, soft. This seemed a safe enough answer for him to offer. It was also not a lie, but he really had no desire to speak of what was really bothering him, at least not at this moment.

She sighed deeply once again, and instead of pressing the issue, she could tell that he did not wish to speak to her. The pain stabbed at her as she looked down at the plate now in front of her.

It was at that moment, that she just wanted to leave the table, just go off and cry. When she had first come into the dining hall, she was ravenous, but now she was so upset that she had no appetite left.

I’m going for a walk,” she finally announced to no one in particular. Tumnus looked up, but said nothing, concluding only that she obviously needed some time to herself and he knew it would have embarrassed her if he had said anything, so he remained silent.

When no one seemed to say anything further, Brittany pushed her chair away from the table, stood up, and walked slowly out of the dining room, this time, she did not look back.

Chapter 9:

A Chance Meeting

Once outside, she could see the trees and the garden. The flowers were beautiful there and she recognized roses, sunflowers, plants of unknown origin as well as markers with strange names she had never seen before. It was like being in the middle of a paradise and she wondered how it could be that the flowers were now there, when it had only been yesterday that winter had been in Narnia. Today, it looked as though it had been spring for weeks.

She smiled slightly as she looked around the garden, but the tears had started to stream down her cheeks as she plopped litlessly onto the soft grass. It was probably less than twelve hours since she had actually seen and spoken to Aslan.

I suppose he’s gone now, she thought to herself, perhaps this conversation had been simply a figment of her imagination and Aslan had not been there at all. As she sat there, she could feel the grass underneath her legs. She ran her hand across the petals of some of the flowers, but after some moments, she could feel the tears streaming from beneath her eyes, and she had started to weep softly. Moments ticked slowly by and she could do nothing except cover her face with her hands, thus trying to prevent the tears from falling down her cheeks and landing on the front of her dress.

Why do you cry, Daughter of Eve?” a now familiar voice emerged. It was a strong voice, filled with certainty and understanding and she turned her head around slightly and could see out of the corner of her eye that Aslan was now standing next to her, the beauty of his mane flowing in the soft breeze.

She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m sad,” she whispered softly, her honesty overriding any fear she might have otherwise outwardly expressed upon seeing him.

As she remained seated there on the ground, she could feel that he had come closer and was now resting his head lightly against her shoulder. This act alone made her fear of him dissipate before her eyes and she became all the more comfortable with his presence.

I know, I can tell,” he said gently. “But, why?”

I-I don’t know,“ she said weakly trying to wipe the tears away. The shame was so evident in her eyes that the large golden lion knew that that she had not expected to be caught crying in the garden. Instead of speaking, he brushed the side of his face against her cheek, thus smearing the remainder of her tears away.

She remained seated on the grass, but no words emerged for a few moments, as Aslan knew that she was thinking about being caught by him during a moment of extreme sadness. For her part, this all made Brittany feel even more sheepish, insecure, and unable to even look up. With her head still down, she shook it, unable to find the words to speak.

Sometimes things are not always meant to make sense, they are simply there to be accepted,” came his next words. “Will you walk with me, Brittany?”

She nodded, as he backed away from her so she could stand up. Once she was on her feet, she began to dust herself off.

As they began to walk through the gardens of Cair Paravel, she looked at him for the first time. “Aslan, I’m really here, aren’t I?”

Yes,” came the answer and he looked at her, his gentle eyes telling her that she should not fear looking at him or speaking honestly.

It’s weird, I had always dreamed of being in a place like this. I'm so lonely at home, my family has no time for me, and I always thought I wasn't worth having someone care for me. I guess, I was always searching for some sort of sanctuary,” she offered freely.

Then you found Adam and that feeling of security became real for you whenever you would be visited by angels?” He asked.

She nodded numbly not even bothering to ask him how it is that he knew so much about her. “I remember when we first met. I had been so afraid of him. He was tall and handsome, but so smart. I wondered how an angel from God could want to be my friend, or if I was important enough to be friends with him. Then last night, I was so scared, even though I knew that I had no reason to be afraid.”

You did not have any reason to fear, my child but I was also aware that you were also in need of rest,” he said.

Perhaps, but, Aslan, I am a coward, the other kids used to tease me, the boys would call me a 'sissy',” she began.

I do not understand what you mean by ‘sissy’,” he said.

A sissy is someone who is not brave,” she tried to explain. "Aslan, last night, I was afraid, though I knew in my heart that you would never hurt me. I was watching as the Kings and Queens were making themselves ready for battle and I just wanted to run, crawl under the bed, and hide.” She looked down at her feet, shame evident in her eyes.

Courage is not simply demonstrated in fighting a battle, Daughter of Eve, it is also that which lies in your heart, and gives you the strength to face each new day. You must never forget this, Brittany, you possess a courage that exists deep inside of you, and it will show itself when you need it the most,“ Aslan said, his voice gentle.

For a moment, she was reminded of the many times she had spoken to Adam about the same kinds of things and how similar his answers had been. It was no wonder that she had thought of Aslan the day they had arrived in Narnia; there was so much similarity in their words. “Thank you,” was all she could think of to say.

They continued to walk in silence.

After some moments, she looked at him. “Aslan, what about Adam? Mr. Tumnus said this morning that he was sad last night, and I could sense it when I spoke to him this morning, but I don’t know what to do about it.”

"My child, there is nothing which you can do, Adam must discover that there is something so special that dwells within him as well. He will discover it, in time,” came the answer. “He will have to, for neither of you will be able to return to your home, until he does.” He turned and looked deeply into her eyes. “You must not tell him any of this, Brittany. This is what he himself must discover on his own.”

I won’t,” she promised. “I wouldn’t know where to start anyway, and even if I did, he wouldn’t believe me, he would say that I am only biased or saying those words because he is so special to me.”

Aslan nodded. “Your words are true.”

Brittany looked back over at him; she could see the wind blowing through his mane. “Aslan, why am I here if Adam is the one that must learn?”

I never said that he alone has a lesson to learn, Brittany. It is your question about courage that has brought you to Narnia, but that is all I am going to tell you,” he replied.

Then there is something I have to learn too?” She asked as they continued to walk. As they rounded a corner, the little girl stumbled slightly, and her body began to lurch forward. She closed her eyes half expecting to hit the ground, but an instant later, instead, she could feel the silkiness of hair in her hands and after a moment, she opened her eyes.

Instead of finding herself on the ground, it was revealed that her hands were now full of Aslan’s golden mane, and that she was now leaning against him, her hands holding tightly to him to maintain her stance. “So soft,” she mumbled and instead of drawing away, as most people might have been compelled to do, she simply buried her face against it.

Moments later, she wound her arms around his neck as far as they could go and held tightly to him her face completely hidden in his mane. “If I had to pick a time over the course of this adventure when I am the happiest, it is right now.”

Aslan allowed her to rub her hands against his mane and after a few moments, he nodded his head slightly. Brittany was learning, but he knew that this brave girl would hold the key to Adam discovering that there existed many people who could look at him and; despise his unique character, they could truly love and appreciate him.


Adam was still seated at the table after Brittany had left, and though part of him wanted to follow her, he suppressed the urge. She’s a smart girl and could always tell when something was wrong, but then again, just about everyone in the room knew that something was not quite right with him. As he waited, a loud trumpet blast similar to the one from the night before filled the room. He looked at the four monarchs now seated at the table and inwardly, he groaned.

Peter stood up and began to speak to the small group assembled. “It looks as though our enemies have returned to Cair Paravel.” As he spoke, Andreas came rushing inside the room.

The enemy has regrouped, and there is a larger assembly of them outside the gates of the palace,” he reported.

Peter looked around the room, the color fading from his face. “I thought we had defeated them all yesterday,” he sighed deeply and turned to face Andreas, “Go and inform the soldiers who are still here.” The Faun nodded and was off. Next Peter turned to the bear. “Would you go and make sure everything at the stables is readied, Miss Bear?”

The bear nodded and scurried out of the room. Finally, he looked at Adam, “I fear we will need your assistance again.”

Sighing deeply, the boy angel nodded and stood up slowly. “As you wish,” he said softly and bowing, he slowly left the room.

What ever is the matter with him?” Peter asked no one in particular as soon as Adam had left the dining room.

I don’t think Adam particularly likes battles, it seems that he is the peaceful sort,“ Lucy said softly.

Yes, I can believe it,” Edmund offered shaking his head.

He called himself ‘an animal’ last evening when we spoke even though I insisted that he was a hero,” Lucy continued to speak. "I somehow got the feeling that it hurts him that he has to defend himself. I don't think he believes that he is very special.”

"He is special, though,” Edmund objected. “I mean you saw how he was yesterday, he was able protect us countless times. Strangely enough, he possessed the ability to startle the enemy enough to prevent someone from getting hurt.”

Susan smiled slightly and looked at her brothers. “We need to get ready, Peter, we can talk about Adam after the battle.”

The logic of her words brought about concurrences and they left the dining room and began to ready themselves for the battle. Andreas had said that there was even more of the enemy outside the gates, so they did have adequate reason to be nervous.

Chapter 10:

Love's Wondrous Affirmation

Aslan and Brittany were still outside in the garden when the trumpet blasted. The little girl looked up, and backed up from Aslan slightly as he began to listen to what was happening. When she heard the sounds, she spoke, her voice cracking. “Oh no,” she whispered under her breath remembering the events of the night before.

Yes, Daughter of Eve, they have returned. Come, it is time to make ready,” Aslan said, a look of seriousness crossing his face. “It seems as though I do have more than one task here. You will not be on the battlefield, Brittany, but you must have the means to defend yourself. Do you understand what I tell you?”

Yes, Aslan,” she replied remembering what she had read about Narnia. “But what can I do?”

We will have to see,” he said, “but now we must hurry.”

Brittany followed him inside. As they came through the door, they could both see Adam at the other end of the corridor. “What should I say to him?”

Presently, there is nothing you need to say, we must make ready to do battle,” he said. “The time has come, Daughter of Eve, that you will soon discover just how much courage you possess.”

Brittany nodded upon realizing that there existed so much truth in his words. She followed him into the great hall where the two kings were making themselves ready to go into battle. Instead of hiding, Brittany could see a table where weapons had been placed and she unconsciously swallowed the golf-ball sized lump that suddenly formed in her throat.

After a few moments, she glanced over towards Aslan with the anticipation of him telling her what she should do. When the noble lion nodded slightly, she walked slowly over to the table and looked down at the various weapons. Swords and shields were there, as well as small daggers and bows and arrows.

As she looked anxiously around the room, she could see that the other females in the room had taken the small daggers from off the table leaving the swords and shields for the men.

Swallowing the ever-present lump that was lodged in her throat, she reached down and picked up one of the daggers, which was encased in a small leather sheath. She could feel a small pocket in the side of her dress and slid the weapon inside. As she did, she turned around and could see that Adam was now standing some distance from her and was watching her movements. She could do nothing except look away, as she made her way over to the Narnians now assembled in the great hall.

It tore at her heart when she thought about how Adam might disapprove of her actions, but after a few moments, she glanced up and her eyes met those of Aslan, who nodded approvingly in her direction as he slipped quietly outside.


In the courtyard, Brittany could see the Narnians surrounding King Peter; she approached the throng of people and waited. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that Adam was now standing off to one side, his eyes still watching her motions. In a way it made her uncomfortable, but at the same time, she could see that Aslan was in the front of the large group and it made her feel good that he, at least, seemed to approve of what she was doing. There was no question, she felt rather torn at this moment.

She wanted to run to Adam, but found herself unable to even look at him. I must keep my word to Aslan, she thought to herself, but I wish that Adam would at least talk to me.

As Peter ended his talk, this strange army moved towards the gates of the large castle where the enemy was beating against the door. Brittany touched the pocket where her weapon was kept. I am not to fight, she thought to herself, but if I am attacked than I must defend myself.

When they reached the gates, she became frightened when she saw how ugly these creatures appeared. In her heart, she could not understand why it was that they would want to wage war against this beautiful and peaceful kingdom. When her attention returned to the unwelcome onslaught, she could see that the eyes of these creatures were literally bulging, their silhouettes blocking out the light from the sun.

From where she was standing, Brittany could see the sneers, which covered their lips, and as the fighting began, she could only watch as the kings joined their people in battle. Queen Susan blew her horn, and instantly there was more help coming to their aid. Queen Lucy stood near Aslan and watched unable to move.

Brittany must have been watching a little too long because she discovered that seven or eight of these ugly creatures had spotted her and had started to move in her direction, all the while their voices emerging in hisses, taunts, and heckles. Suddenly she realized that they were now surrounding her and as they were looking at her; they were casting leering glances at her all the while waving their weapons threateningly.

As they came closer, their bodies formed an arc, trapping her against an insurmountable wall. She could see that they all held swords in their hands and she immediately reached for the small dagger that was inside the pocket of her dress. As she unsheathed the weapon, she looked anxiously around in hopes of getting some help.

Unfortunately, Aslan was now nowhere to be seen, and the two brave kings were deeply involved in their own battle. The enemy had somehow multiplied, but it seemed as though her friends were giving their all in defense of Cair Paravel.

Brittany looked around desperately, as she was being backed closer and closer against the wall. As she felt the hard stone surface against her back, she screamed Adam’s name at the top of her lungs.

In desperation, she began to jab the dagger towards the enemy, who continued to cackle, and inched even closer to where she was wedged up against the wall. She continued to jab the dagger in their direction. Moments later, she pulled her hand away and discovered that the dagger was no longer in her hand, but that she had stabbed one of the beasts that had mocked her. She could feel the nausea encase herself when she recognized the handle now sticking out of the chest of one of the monsters.

By this time, a second of the beasts centered itself between Brittany and the fallen beast, thus preventing her from recovering the dagger. There was no way for her to retrieve the weapon; she was completely unarmed as the witch's supporters moved closer, ever so slowly.

Within moments, she could feel the cold steel blade of their sword against her arm, and she screamed in agony as the blade cut her and she collapsed to the ground in agony. “Adam, please help me,” she whimpered, her voice barely above a whisper. She tried to back up closer to the wall, but discovered that now she was now on her knees and was completely surrounded by the beasts.

They’re going to kill me, she thought to herself. “Oh Adam, where are you?” She cried as she felt another blade being positioned against the middle of her chest.

After seconds, which, for Brittany, felt like minutes, she heard a loud roar. “Aslan,” she whispered as she felt the dryness in her throat and the beast withdrew the blade. She opened her eyes ever so slightly and looked up to discover that Aslan was nearby, but had roared as a means to startle them. At that moment, Brittany allowed herself to pass out; the last thing she remembered was hearing Queen Susan’s horn being blown once again.

With the assistance of some of the Narnian forces, Adam, Tumnus, and Andreas were able to defeat those who had harmed Brittany. When the last of the monsters fell, Adam ran to her side and got down onto the ground next to her. “Brittany,” he whispered feeling the tears in his eyes, “I’m sorry.”

He glanced up and could see that Tumnus was staring at them, but after some moments had passed, the Faun took off across the courtyard, leaving Adam to wonder where he was going. Instead of pondering this further, the boy angel put one of his arms around Brittany and pulled her gently up against him so that she would lean up against him, her head resting against his shoulder.

The blood from her injury as well as that of their enemies was now smeared across her dress as well in her hair, and on her face, but none of this mattered to him. The human angel looked down and saw her pale face, her eyes closed as though she was asleep. “Please, Father, don't let her die. Brittany, please don't die, not here, not like this. Come on, sweetheart, please wake up, I can’t bare it to know that I am the reason you have been hurt.”

She stirred, “Adam…it’s you…you’re…here.”

Yes, Brittany,” he said softly.

It…hurts…so…much,” she whispered. "My…angel."

Shhh,” he spoke gently as he brushed her hair out from in front of her face. "I'm here with you, Brittany."

You…are…here. Adam…please…hold me,” she whispered, her words coming in rushes as she tried to find a way to alleviate the pain.

I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, “I would never want to hurt you, Brittany.”

You…wouldn’t, I…know you…Adam…please,” she moaned as she squeezed her eyes shut trying to block out the pain. She took a gasping breath. “I’m…not…a coward.”

Adam looked down at her face, and after some moments had passed, he wrapped her securely in his arms trying not to touch the injuries she had sustained. “No, Brittany, you’re not, you’re brave, as brave as you always wanted to be.”

Through…you,” she whispered.

No, not through me, it’s God's gift to you, you’ve always had it, Brittany, long before you met me,” he said gently.

I love…you. To me…you’re…my father,” she said softly, reaching up to touch his face with her hand.

Ignoring the pain she had in her arm, she knew that all she wanted was to simply feel his touch and know that he was there with her like he had often promised. She knew her hand had blood in it, but none of this mattered at all to her because she knew that her angel was there, and that even when her pain was intense, his presence helped.

After some seconds had passed, she closed her eyes, her hand falling away as the weight of her body rested against him. There wrapped securely in his arms, she passed out once again.

Tumnus returned by this time, his friend, Queen Lucy following him. “Please, Lucy, do something for her,” he said softly. “Don’t let her continue to endure the pain.”

Lucy smiled gently at the Faun, “I intend to,” she whispered and after a second had passed, she waked closer to where Adam and Brittany were on the ground, the boy angel's arms still wrapped securely around her. “Adam?” she finally said once she approached.

She needs a doctor,” he said softly. “Please, Your Majesty, my friend needs help.”

Adam, I can help her,” she got down on her knees and pulled the cork out of the cordial she carried. “Two drops of this, and she will be fine.”

Adam nodded as Lucy poured two drops from the cordial in Brittany’s mouth. Lucy stood up and returned the cork to the bottle. “Now I must go and tend to the others,” she said softly and excused herself.

As soon as she had gotten up and left, Adam looked down at Brittany. Her eyes were still closed and her face had started to get some of its color back. Tumnus continued to watch unable to approach them.

Brittany?” Adam said softly.

She opened her eyes and shook her head after some minutes passed. “What happened? It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Queen Lucy helped you,” Adam said softly, his voice filled with disbelief.

She did, but how?” The little girl asked.

I suppose she had the right medicine,” he said softly as he shrugged his shoulders.

I remember, that gift from Father Christmas from the book, it must have been that, Lucy uses it to cure injuries,“ she whispered as she looked down at her arm which aside from the holes the sword made to the dress she was wearing, the wounds were gone.

Adam looked around where they were sitting, the bodies of the dead enemies were around them, and he looked at her gravely. “Can you stand up?”

I think so, but I still feel a little weak,” she said.

You’ve lost some blood, so I guess it’s normal for you to experience dizziness. Let me help you,” he said gently as he got to his feet and then reached down to assist her. As soon as they were both standing, Adam looked around and when his eyes met those of Tumnus, the Faun said nothing, he simply backed slowly away. “It appears as though the battle is over, so I think everyone will eventually be returning inside.”

Brittany nodded as she too looked around and finally; her gaze surveyed the dress she wore. “I guess this beautiful dress is now beyond repair. I think we both could use a hot shower and something to eat.”

You didn’t eat any breakfast,” he said.

I had lost my appetite, but now I think I could eat. I suppose I got it back after I talked to Aslan,” she said shrugging her shoulders.

You spoke to him?” Adam asked.

She nodded and looked at him. “Yes, it was wonderful, but then we heard the trumpet sounding and had to go inside to make ready for the battle. He told me that I would need a dagger to protect myself, that’s why you saw me at the table selecting one.”

How did you feel about it?” He asked.

I felt scared and brave at the same time as though somehow I had the ability to protect those I love. I guess I wasn’t all that brave, I was watching everything going on around me and it felt like I was watching a movie instead of living it. Then suddenly, I was surrounded, and…” her voice trailed off and she shook her head.

You were very brave,” he said simply.

I don’t think so, but thanks for saying so.”

Adam nodded as he smiled slightly. “You were, Brittany, do not believe otherwise.”

After some moments, he looked down at his own clothing and then somewhat guiltily back at her, once he became aware that both of them were pretty much covered with blood. His smile disappeared and he covered his face in is hands shaking his head slowly.

Adam, am I really so horrible to look at?” she asked weakly noticing his actions.

No, of course not, but I think I am,” he replied.

No, you’re not,” she said softly. “When I needed you, you were there. If you are so horrible as you somehow believe, then I too am because I killed one of those monsters myself,“ she looked down, feeling shame overwhelm her.

She went over to the beast where her dagger was still sticking in its chest. She pulled it out, and began to clean the blood off of it. “I did this, I didn’t want to do it anymore than you would have, but I was scared, and I had to because it would have killed me otherwise.”

You did?”

She nodded. “The whole time, I was afraid that you would be angry with me,” she paused looking down. “Or worse, disappointed. But, it’s true, I did it before they managed to stab me.” She looked back up at him, somehow, now she understood what had happened to him the night before and again that morning. He had been feeling shame for his actions. “You don’t like fighting and you feel shame for having done it, right?”

How did you know?” He asked.

I know you, Adam, you're an angel, and angels don't go and beat up bad guys, you are like love,” she said softly as she finished the task of cleaning the weapon and returned it to its sheath. Once she had returned it to her pocket, she reached up and touched his face with her hands. “You’re beautiful, kind, loving, and caring, but like everyone else, you try to protect those you love. Do you believe that I would not accept that in you, that I would only call you my best friend because of the things you do? You told me once that unconditional love was the way our world should be, so why is it that you believe that I would not see you in the loving way you see me?”

I was not aware of how you would have handled this,” he said and waved his hand around indicating his appearance.

What I said that I wished that you were my father, I was telling the truth, because you are like that to me, in all the ways that matter, and I love you so much, now you must love and accept yourself without condition.” Standing there for some moments, Brittany began to feel dizzy and her stance wavered and she began to fall to her knees.

As if by reflex, before she could fall, he extended his hands towards her and caught her under her arms, thus preventing her from collapsing. With his help, she managed to walk with him back towards the castle.

As they reached the doorway, the two of them turned around and both could see that the four Narnian Monarchs were now in control of the situation. It appeared as though the last of the enemy had been defeated and that there would be no further attacks. Now, it seemed as though this kingdom would be safe for the remainder of their reign.

Chapter 11:

The Beginning Of The End

As soon as Brittany and Adam had come inside, Queen Lucy approached them and took Brittany’s hand. “You’re better, now, yes?”

Yes, thank you so much,” the little girl answered and as if by impulse, she reached out to Lucy and embraced her. As she backed up she could see that she had smeared Lucy’s dress with the blood from the battle. “I’m sorry.”

It will be OK, come with me, we’ll get you a bath and new clothing,” Queen Lucy steered her out of the Great Hall and took her to a place where she could freshen up. As they were leaving, she could not help but notice that Aslan had reentered the great hall and was looking around the room.

I’m really sorry about your dress,” Brittany said softly as they walked towards the stairs that would lead out of the great hall.

I have seen worse,” Lucy said as they went upstairs. When they reached the second floor, Lucy led Missy inside a large dressing room. “Miss Bear, are you here?” she called out.

Yes, Your Majesty,” came the answer.

Would you assist Brittany in getting cleaned up?” Lucy asked and once the bear nodded, she continued speaking. “I must go and retrieve a dress for her to wear.” Once she had finished speaking she left Brittany in the loving care of the bear.

Once out in the hallway, Lucy quickly went to her room and retrieved a dress for Brittany. As she stepped back out into the hallway, she could hear someone approaching and she turned around when she heard her name being called. When her eyes met those of Tumnus, who was now coming towards where she was standing, she smiled when he addressed her. "Lucy, is Brittany well?”

Yes, I tended to her injuries and she’s fine, Mr. Tumnus. Right now, I’m taking her this dress to put on, so she’ll be ready in a little while,” she looked at the Faun and smiled. “You care a lot for her, don’t you? As you did with me.”

Yes, I suppose I do,” he said smiling as he patted her hand gently as he often did when he thought extensively about the bond of friendship they shared.

When she is done bathing and has gotten dressed, then you can return and spend some time with her,” she said gently as Tumnus continued his way down the hall.

When Lucy reentered the bathing room, Brittany was soaking in a tub filled with bubbles. “I brought you a dress, I will hang it on the door," Lucy said. "If you need any help, just let Miss Bear know. I must go and change clothes as well.”

Thank you, Your Majesty,” Brittany said softly as Lucy left the room.

As she continued to soak in the tub, her gaze came to rest on the pink dress now hanging on the door. It looked like a ball gown, so light and beautiful. She stood up some moments later and reached for a towel to dry herself off. The bath had been heavenly, but once she had dried off, nothing would have compared to the feeling of the dress that she had been given to wear.

Brittany, are you managing, baby?” the bear who had assisted in drawing her bath returned as she zipped up the back of the dress.

Yes, Miss Bear,” she looked up and her eyes were shining as she looked at the kindhearted bear. “How does it look?”

Beautiful,” came the immediate answer. “Come sit down and I will dry your hair.”

Twenty minutes later, Brittany stood before a mirror, her hair pulled back from her face and in a simple ponytail. Miss Bear had taken small pink roses and put them in her hair, and she was left in shock when she beheld the reflection in the mirror. “I look…”

“…Like a princess,” the bear finished for her as someone tapped on the door and she went to open it.

Once the door was opened, she could see that Tumnus was standing in the doorway. He had cleaned himself up and was now wearing his finest scarf.

"My friend," she said softly as she walked over to him and noticed that he had offered his arm to her in the same fashion the little girl remembered reading about in the book. She placed her hand on his arm and looked up at him. "Mr. Tumnus, I thought I wouldn't see you again."

The Faun smiled. "Remember what I told you. You won't forget Narnia, Brittany, and Narnia won't forget you."

Really?” she said softly feeling as though she had stepped into a fairy tale.

You must never believe otherwise,” he said softly giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

I was always told the opposite in school, the other kids would have preferred to have forgotten me,” she whispered.

The Faun shook his head. “Then those who hurt you only wish to hurt you for reasons that remain a mystery to all the creatures of this land. Please believe me, Brittany, you must be someone very special to have come into Narnia.”

She nodded numbly but instead of speaking further, he led her towards the door leading out of the room. “Come, there are guests waiting downstairs.”

Shyly, she allowed him to lead her from the room.


As Adam stood watching Brittany and Tumnus coming down the stairs, he sighed deeply. She looked as though she had found a lifelong friend, he thought sadly. He was still wearing the clothing he had worn in battle, but when he saw his young friend again, he completely ignored his disheveled state. What he failed to notice was that Aslan was now standing next to him watching Brittany and Tumnus as well.

After some moments, he spoke. “I must thank you, Adam, for the help you have given us,” Aslan said causing him to turn around and face him. “It is through your assistance that we have been successful in defeating this enemy”

Adam was unable to respond, he simply nodded; the guilt he felt was overwhelming.

Go and clean yourself, there is much for us to discuss,” Aslan said and was gone seconds later.

Adam did as Aslan said and within the hour he emerged from the dressing room, his blood soaked clothing was gone, and he wore the typical dress of this wonderful land; his dark hair had been washed and brushed until it shone.

He descended the staircase that lead down into the ballroom and the first thing he could detect was that the music was playing and he could see that Tumnus was talking to Brittany in the corner, no doubt telling her stories of this magical place. As he reached the bottom of the staircase, he saw that she looked happy as she conversed with her best Narnian friend.

As he continued to stare at the two of them; it became clear to him that for her sake, he regretted asking Aslan how they would be able to get back home. He watched as she began to laugh, her voice drifting like music through the ballroom. Adam knew beyond a doubt what was happening, Brittany had found a friend for life in the Faun.

Aslan approached him. “Adam, we must speak.” was all he said and the boy angel’s gaze left the corner where Brittany and Tumnus were exchanging stories and he followed the noble lion outside.

Once they were both standing on the terrace, Adam turned and faced Aslan. “I must admit; I am somewhat overwhelmed to be speaking with you. I thought all of this was from a story, and not real.”

Adam, there are a few things you need to know,” Aslan said.

There are?” Adam was somewhat at a loss for words when the noble lion changed and from the Angel of Death's point of reference, he recognized that his Father was now standing before him, His eyes filled with love. "Father?"

"Yes, My angel, you were brought into this place not by accident," the loving voice of the Father spoke to him. "You are worthy of love, Adam, you must allow yourself to give as well as receive love; for it is the emotion of love that will live on for all of eternity. You must accept that within your heart dwells so much beauty and understanding. Today, you have a child who is a part of your existence and she loves you deeply, and in her world she accepts you for all that is within you, for all that you are.”

But, Father, why Narnia? Why did Brittany and I have to come here to learn this?"

Because it was an important lesson for you both to learn, My angel," the Father's voice emerged. “However, I want you to know something, and that is when you push those who love you away, you are not only harming them, but also yourself. When I spoke of this with Brittany this morning, she told me that she was sad and that she would sacrifice everything for you. Now, she has found a lifelong friend in Tumnus and must cope with eventually saying farewell to him so that you both may return to her home in Virginia.”

I noticed that they were talking,” Adam said softly.

Yes, but could you not tell that Brittany loves him?” The Father asked gently. “She has found a trusted friend in Tumnus and this is a very special bond.”

I noticed,” Adam said weakly.

This does not take away from the friendship that she shares with you, Adam," The Father said gently all the while knowing what was going through the mind of His angel. “Perhaps you knew at one time that those words were the truth, but today, they are spoken in love rather than logic. You have learned to accept Brittany as your friend and she needs you to be her friend. It is no accident that you met her and that you and her will continue to grow and learn from each other. You were brought to Narnia to discover this, Adam. Now you must return to her home with her and watch as she continues to be the guide of her own destiny. You must do what your heart tells you to do and not always what logic dictates.”

"Father, is this going to change our friendship?" Adam asked as his Father had once again taken the form of the noble lion known throughout Narnia as Aslan.

It will change it, Adam, but only for the better,” came the almost immediate response.

Chapter 12:

The Inevitable Good-bye

Back in the ballroom, Brittany and Tumnus continued to exchange stories, she told him about life in Virginia on the large plantation and he told her about the many parties and festivities that took place in the meadows not far from his cave. All the stories sounded too wonderful to the little girl and after about an hour of exchanging them, she looked at him.

I wish I didn’t have to go home,” Brittany said softly.

Tumnus reached over and took her hand gently in his and squeezed it reassuringly. "Try not think about it right now, Brittany.”

I’m trying not to, but I have a funny feeling that we will be leaving very soon. I don't want to say good-bye to you,” she whispered.

The Faun nodded, “I know, I too have had this feeling since today’s battle.”

Three days ago, I thought that going home was all that I wanted to have happen, but since then I have found a really wonderful friend in you, and now I cannot help but wonder if after I go home, you will just forget all about me.”

He shook his head adamantly and smiled at her, “No, Brittany, no matter where you are, I will never forget you, not ever.”

You have been so nice to me, Mr. Tumnus,” she said, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes. “I do not know if I would be able to say good-bye to you without my heart breaking.”

Try not to think about it,” he repeated his words, but he too felt as though he would cry, and even harder than he had done when he had to tell Lucy what he had done right after they had met.

I can’t help but think about it.” She said as she looked down at her feet. “At home I was nothing more than an outcast.”

You are never an outcast to me, Brittany, in my heart you will always be brave, courageous, and selfless,“ he smiled gently at her. “A better person I have yet to meet.”

She threw her arms around him and held tightly to him her tears falling from her eyes and dampening the tunic he wore.

In response, he wrapped her in his arms and she looked at him. “Aside from Adam, you're the best friend I ever had. I guess it's silly for me to wish that you could come back with us.”

The Faun shook his head. “No, I think you know that my place is here, and your place is with your family. Don’t ever believe for a moment that I would forget you, because that is simply not possible. You are a very dear friend, Daughter of Eve, and those kinds of friendships are very special.”

Brittany nodded all the while realizing the truth in his words. “I'm going to miss you, Mr. Tumnus," she said softly after some moments had passed, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not stop the tears from streaming down her cheeks.


Adam and Aslan returned inside to see that Brittany and Tumnus were still talking, this time they could see that Brittany was having a hard time facing what they all knew would be the inevitable, and that was their eventual departure from Narnia.

Aslan looked at Adam. “It is time, Adam; time for you and My daughter to return to your own world, to your own time. You have learned a great deal in your short time in Narnia. I Am pleased for you, and for Brittany, but now you must go to her.”

Adam nodded. “What should I tell her?”

Tell her it is time for you and her to return home,“ Aslan said softly.

She cares deeply for Mr. Tumnus,” Adam said softly. “Could I ask her to sacrifice a new friendship for me?”

She is willing, Adam, she has said this to Me, so now, you must go, for the opportunity is close at hand,” Aslan said gently.

I fear her heart will break,” the boy angel said softly.

Aslan nodded, but he remained stern, “perhaps, but deep inside, she knows that she must follow her own destiny.”

Adam did as he was told and walked slowly across the dance floor towards where Brittany and Tumnus were sitting. When he reached them, he sighed deeply but touched her shoulder.

She turned and he could see that her face was now puffy from the tears that had streamed down her cheeks. “Brittany, it’s time, we are to return home now.”

She nodded numbly and turned to face Tumnus. “I will miss you so much,” she said softly burying her face against his shoulder.

As I will you,” he said softly enfolding her in his arms. As their embrace ended, he reached inside his jacket and pulled a small cloth handkerchief out of his pocket and placed it gently in her hand. “Never forget, Daughter of Eve, that I care for you and that no matter what anyone says or thinks, you will always be worthy of love.”

She could feel the tears in her eyes, as she held his gift in her hand. “But I have nothing to give you.”

You have given me your friendship, and you and Adam have helped us defeat our enemies, that is a greater treasure than any one thing you could offer me,” he took her hand in his and gave it one final squeeze.

When that ended, he took her hand, and offered it ceremoniously to Adam who extended his own to accept. “I thank you for all that you did for us, and I ask only that you take care of Brittany and not ever let her forget that she deserves all the good and all the kindness that there is.” He looked back at his young friend, his smile genuine. “Brittany, Daughter of Eve, don’t forget, don’t ever forget, that you will always be my friend.”

I won’t,” she spoke softly, her voice cracking. “Good-bye, Mr. Tumnus.”

As Adam quietly led her away from the Faun and back towards Aslan, Adam looked at her. “You are in so much pain now, but is there not something I can do for you to make things easier?”

No, I suppose it’s for the best,” she whispered unable to even look back towards the Faun who had come to mean so much to her.

I know you care for him,” Adam said.

Let’s just go home, OK?” she said softly, her voice cracking with overwhelming emotion. She knew that if she started to speak of her feelings, she would have broken down and cried. The last thing she wanted to do was make him feel badly about the inevitable.

You asked about courage, Daughter of Eve, and now you are demonstrating far more of that than you can imagine,” Aslan said softly as they reached where he was standing. “In sacrificing your feelings for a friend, you have demonstrated the deepest courage and strength that exists.”

Aslan, will I ever get to see Mr. Tumnus again?” she asked weakly.

Perhaps, but do not deny yourself the chance to find friends in your own world, Brittany,” he said gently. “At the same time, you must not ever fully give up the hope and belief of seeing him again.”

That means, no, doesn’t it?” she asked weakly.

Perhaps not,” Adam said softly. “If Aslan had meant no, I believe he would have said no.”

The golden lion nodded affirming Adam's words. “Now, my children, it is time for you both to return to your home. You will walk through the doorway, at the other end of this hall, and then you will be back in your world.”

Adam embraced Aslan. “Thank You, for everything.”

You're welcome, Adam," Aslan said and looked at Brittany and nodded in her direction.

When the little girl could not find the words to speak further to him, she merely embraced him, her tears landing on his golden mane. As she straightened out, she looked into his gentle eyes, but all the while, still she was unable to speak.

You must go,” was all Aslan said and Adam nodded as he took Brittany’s hand and led her towards the doorway that would take them both home.


When they stepped through the portal, Adam reached his hand up and could feel the beard was once more present on his chin and they were back in Brittany's bedroom. "Adam?"

"We're back, Brittany," he said softly.

Brittany looked down at her clothing, she was still wearing her nightgown, but in her hand, she held a small cloth handkerchief. "It was real, wasn't it?"

Adam shrugged his shoulders and glanced up to see that Andrew, Monica, and Tess were in the room, and when the little girl saw them, she ran over to them and threw herself in their arms.

"You're not going to believe what happened to us," Brittany began, all the while holding up Mr. Tumnus' handkerchief.

Andrew smiled. "Well tell us, we got away from our assignments because we heard that you two were having an adventure while I was brushing up on the Spanish that I didn't need because my assignment didn't go Home."

Monica nodded. "Yes, do tell us what happened."

Adam rubbed his chin a twinkle of mischief was in his eyes as he began to speak "Well, in this place, Monica, you were an eagle, and Tess you were a bear."

"Excuse me, Angel Boy?" Tess' voice emerged almost bordering on a low growl.

"Yeah, Miss Bear sounded just like that," Brittany said softly and the angel looked sternly at her and she continued speaking. "Andrew was a Faun, and Adam was a boy. He couldn't have been much older than twelve."

"You're probably not going to believe who Aslan was," Adam said softly.

"He was the lion, just like in the stories," Brittany said softly as she yawned. "But, I'm going to miss Mr. Tumnus the most. She reached for her golden pocket watch that was on the nearby table and wrapped it in the small cloth handkerchief. When she looked down at the corner of the piece of cloth, she could see a calligraphy style 'T' was embroidered there.

As she crawled into the bed, the angels watched over her until she was fast asleep.

"What really happened, Adam?" Andrew asked once the little girl's eyes were closed and soft contented sighs had emerged from between her lips.

"You do believe that we were in Narnia, don't you?" Adam asked.

"I think you have been reading too many stories by C.S. Lewis," Monica said softly noticing the paperback book that was still sticking out of Adam's pocket.

The End…Maybe.

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