Melodies of the Heart

A 'Touched By An Angel' story

By: Yvette Jessen

© 2001, an amateur story and not intended to infringe on any previously held copyrights.

It was a day like no other; it was the first really cold day of the year. Andrew had been depressed since before Halloween, which his two friends, Tess and Monica were amazingly accustomed to. The Angel of Death was always a bit moody around that time of the year, but two nights ago, he had witnessed the murder of a young homeless girl, and was given the task of taking her home. He would never forget the fear and fright prevalent in her eyes when he revealed to her who he was, and why he was there. It had been obvious to him that this child did not know about God's love, and the thought of meeting God was not something she was prepared to do.

It had been an absolute nightmare, and although she was now happy, the events leading up to this had been long and hard for Andrew's emotions. The day after this event, the three angels were sent to a smaller town where they would be able to wind down a little and where Andrew could get his emotions back into check.

The town where they were staying was relatively small in comparison to the large city where they had been living before. There was a main street that extended through the town, the small marketplace giving it the flair of something out of a movie made during the 1950's.

On that particular evening, Andrew had left the apartment where they were staying to go for a walk. He liked this time to himself; the solitude did more for him than just about anything. He could pray silently as he walked, and ask the Father to give him the strength, which he felt, for some reason, he lacked.

He looked around and could see the local buildings, which extended around the perimeters of the town. They were really quite beautiful, he thought to himself. They all looked to be over a hundred years old, but restored and very pretty to the eye, even in the darkness of the cold November evening. They looked to be sort of old-fashioned and rustic at the same time. It was definitely a nice place to wind down from the stresses he had endured in the big city. "Thank you, Father, for sending us here," he prayed as he looked down the street which wound from one end of the marketplace to another, the town seeming to not have more than two thousand inhabitants.

It was later in the evening when he decided to make his way back to the apartment, the sounds of the night suddenly being replaced with the soft swells of music. He was not sure where the sounds originated, but he could hear a soft voice, which sounded vividly like the voice of a young female. He began to ask himself who would actually be out here in this weather, but the melodious singing continued, and he walked in the direction of where it originated.

As he reached the park, he could see between the trees and in the shadows, the figure of a young woman silhouetted against the starry cold night. As he came closer he could hear the song she was singing; it was an old Louis Armstrong standard entitled 'What a Wonderful World'. Her young voice was shaking slightly as she continued to sing, her voice being accompanied by a tape recorder, and a tape that seemed to have been played too much because the music would drag in some places, and she would have to adjust her tempo to meet the changing rhythm of the music.

He stood and watched as she sang, his presence concealed by the shadows of the trees. As she continued, he could see some local boys had come over to where she was standing, and one of them grabbed the tape player and ran away with it. She stopped singing and took off after them, but when she could not catch up with them, she sighed sadly and returned to the bench, her face depicting the utter hopelessness of the situation she was now faced with.

She looked down at her clothing and shivered slightly as the wind began to blow again. It was getting colder and she knew that she had to find some sort of shelter or she would most certainly freeze to death. Shaking her head, she dug in her pocket, but when she pulled out only a few coins, her fingers were trembling as she began to count the change she held.

Andrew came out from behind the trees to see that she was beginning to shiver from the cold, her clothing barely offering her the warmth she desperately needed. He removed his jacket as he came over to her and once he was standing next to her, the jacket draped over his arms, he looked down at her. "What are you doing out here all by yourself?"

The girl looked up and when she saw the man standing next to her, she shrugged her shoulders. "I live here," she said simply and hugged herself tighter.

Andrew sat down on the bench next to her. "My name is Andrew."

"Jasmine," she said softly as she suddenly felt the jacket covering her shoulders. She looked at him with unsuppressed surprise. "Why do you do this?"

He smiled weakly. "I suppose because you're cold, and need it."

"Not very many people are as kind," she said simply.

"I heard you singing," he said. "You have a beautiful voice."

She shrugged her shoulders and looked at the ground. "I always dreamed of being a singer, ever since I was a little girl. You know, I often wonder what it would be like to perform on a stage."

"How old are you?" He asked.

"I just had my 18th birthday," she whispered, but looked over at him. She could, for the first time since he came over to her, notice that he appeared to be very sad and for a moment, when she would look at him, she would somehow forget her own loneliness and isolation.

He nodded, and after a few moments of silence passed between them, he looked at her, and noticed that she was staring at him. "What is it?" he finally asked.

"I don't know, I suppose you look about as unhappy as I feel," she said.

"Why are you unhappy?" He asked.

"Just look at me," she began to speak.

"I am, and do you know what I see?" He asked.

"A pathetic girl with barely a penny to her name," she whispered. "I suppose I would have done better had I stayed at home."

"I don't see any of those things. What I do see is a child, and one who is frightened and lonely," he said. "Not to mention, someone who is very perceptive, because I am unhappy right now."

"Why?" she asked weakly.

"I witnessed something terrible a few days ago," he said. "I can't get it out of my mind."

"I'm sorry," she said and rested her hand on his shoulder and when he looked at her, she smiled weakly. "Living on the streets, I've seen a lot, sometimes I look around me and see things happening, and I feel completely hopeless."

"What do you do when that happens?" He asked.

"I guess, I start to sing, and then everything somehow starts to make some kind of sense. But, when it's something so awful, my mind can't even block it away," she sighed sadly. "Do you know what hurts?"


"When people look at me and they think I'm on drugs, or that I'm a prostitute or crazy because I have no home," she said. "Nobody bothers to ask why it is an 18-year-old girl lives this way."

"Tell me, then," he said gently.

"I was abused at home, I still have the scars to prove it," she said. "Nobody did anything to help me, the system failed me, and when I did try to talk about it, the abuse got worse, so I ran. I wanted to get out before someone had to carry me out."

"They would have killed you?" Andrew asked, and once she nodded, he could plainly see the fear in her eyes and he stood up.

"They probably would have," she said without any sort of emotion. "You know, I used to pray that God would send me help, that I would be able to find my way without being hurt, but all I got was the stillness. Not even the sounds of the wind blowing through the trees. Do you know what I heard instead?"

He shook his head.

"A gunshot," she whispered. "A man screaming in pain as he died, but nothing besides that. How can I believe when everything looks so hopeless around me? The boys stole my radio and they did not seem to even realize or care that it was the only thing I possess. It had once belonged to my grandfather and when he died, I was given it because he was the only one who knew how much the music helped me."

"You never listened for an answer from God?" He asked gently.

"I stopped believing in God," she whispered. "I find more solace in music than I do in prayer." When she saw the sadness in his eyes, she sighed deeply. "I hope I don't offend you, but if you had seen some of the things I have seen, you might actually understand why it is I feel this way. There aren't good people out there, everyone wants something from me, and no matter what I do, I will get hurt if I don't keep my guard up."

Andrew looked at her. "I'm sorry," he said gently. "Sometimes I forget about God, but somehow something happens that brings me back to Him." He smiled gently and offered her his hand. "Why don't we go somewhere and talk? You'll catch your death out here."

"Why?" She asked noticing his movement and not bothering to answer his question. "What do you want from me?"

"Nothing, except maybe to help you. I saw a diner in town when I was walking, and they're probably still open. Why don't we go there and get something to eat?" He smiled gently at her. "Jasmine, you can't stay out here, I think you know that. It's getting colder, and you'll get sick."

"But, I don't have anything," she said softly. "My music is gone, I don't even have enough money for a cup of soup."

Andrew could plainly see the hopelessness, but he could also see the fear in her pale blue eyes. "You think this is a trick, that I intend on hurting you."

She nodded numbly. "It's happened before and I don't think I'm much of a risk taker."

"I know and I understand, but you can trust me," he said sadly as he sat back down next to her. "Two nights ago, I saw a girl get killed, and it was because she put her trust in a stranger. Sometimes people want to put their trust in the unknown, and then it turns out to be a mistake, but do you think I would want to hurt you or make you not want to trust me?" He looked down at the ground and shook his head sadly.

Jasmine looked down at the jacket that she wore and then over at the man seated next to her. She could see that hopelessness in his eyes once again, and that there were actually tears in his eyes. A tremor shot through her. "You're sad because you saw a girl get killed, right?"

Andrew nodded sadly. "I could do nothing for her."

"And now you want to do for me?" She shook her head sadly and reached over and touched his shoulder causing him to look up. "Let me guess, you feel guilty about it, and now you want to do for someone else because the pain in your heart is so intense."

He looked at her and after a moment, he nodded numbly.

"I think that's beautiful, Andrew," she whispered and offered him her hand.

He took her hand gently in his, they stood up, and walked towards the entrance to the park.


Ten minutes later, they entered a small diner, and Jasmine and Andrew found a booth and sat down. As soon as they had something to eat, the young girl looked at him. "I appreciate your kindness towards me," she said softly.

Andrew smiled gently and once he ordered them something, he looked at her. "Do you have a place to stay tonight?"

She shook her head. "I thought I might have enough to get a room, but I was unable to earn the money for that."

He nodded as the waitress sat a plate with a cheeseburger and French fries in front of her. She reached for the burger and began to eat it. He sat sipping his coffee, but not saying too much. He had a lot of things going through his mind, but when he looked at Jasmine, he could tell that she too had a great deal of things going through her mind, and he decided to leave her to finish her food. He could also tell that she was hungry as the burger disappeared within minutes.

After a few moments had passed, Andrew looked up and could see some movement by the door. Tess' car was now in the parking lot, and she and Monica had come inside the restaurant. He smiled weakly, but waved them over.

"Hello, baby," Tess said as she and Monica came over and she sat down next to Andrew. "Are you still feeling under the weather?"

He nodded slowly, but when he felt Tess' hand on his shoulder, he offered her a weak smile. Monica sat down on the opposite side of the table next to Jasmine, who tensed up when she saw the two strangers who appeared to be Andrew's friends.

Now she was seated near the window, and there didn't seem any way out of the booth. A tremor of fear shot through her and she pushed the food away her head hanging in shame. They must think I'm the biggest pig that ever lived, she thought sadly, but her fear was keeping her from saying anything and she kept her head down.

"Are you OK, honey?" Tess looked at her with compassion in her voice. She could see the uncertainty in the young girl's face and within moments, her raven-black hair hid it because the girl was now staring down at the top of the table.

"Jasmine, are you OK?" Andrew asked. He reached across the table and took the girl's hand, and squeezed it. "These are my friends, Tess and Monica."

"Hi," the girl said softly.

"It's nice to meet you," Monica said offering the girl a warm smile.

"Yeah," she said weakly as she reached for the mug of tea that Andrew had ordered for her. She wrapped her cold fingers around the warm cup and held it. After she had taken a sip of the steaming liquid, she sighed deeply, and returned it to the table. "Would you please let me out?" she asked Monica softly as she inched her way out of the jacket Andrew had given her in the park. Once Monica was standing, she came out of the booth and ran towards the door leading into the bathroom.

Monica looked at Tess as she sat back down. The question was hanging in the air as the three angels watched the door close behind the girl. "What's wrong with her, Tess?"

"I'm not quite sure," Tess replied.

"She's afraid," Andrew said simply. "She's been hurt in the past, and now she's frightened. She only started to trust me after I told her about Wanda, you know the girl I saw killed two days ago?"

Tess nodded, "there is something else about her, something special, and it's up to you to find out what that is."

"Is she our new assignment?" Monica asked.

"She's mine," the Angel of Death replied sadly.

"Is she suicidal, Andrew?" Monica asked, her brown eyes widening.

He shook his head, "no, I don't think so."

Once Jasmine came out of the restroom, she glanced over at the three of them before leaving the diner. Andrew nudged Tess and she got up so that he could crawl out of the booth. As he started to follow the girl, Monica handed him his jacket and he put it on as he headed for the door.

"Tess, I don't understand any of this?" Monica asked weakly.

"That little girl is going to help our Angel Boy more than Andrew realizes," Tess said simply.

"Is that why Andrew was given the assignment?" Monica asked.

"Yes, but it's actually the other way around, Jasmine, unknowingly appears to have been given the assignment," Tess said.

Monica shrugged her shoulders and reached for the cup of coffee Andrew had abandoned.

"Juan Valdez has nothing on you, Miss Wings," Tess muttered, and Monica looked at her with a question looming in the air before drinking the rest of the coffee.


Andrew ran towards the park, he had seen that Jasmine had been running there, and for some reason, he felt compelled to follow her.

When he got there and spotted her, he was surprised to see that she was now sitting on the bench, her arms wrapped around herself, the winter wind getting colder. As he reached the bench, she looked up at him, her eyes filled with fear, but concealed in her apprehension, was an indescribable sense of sorrow.

"Jasmine?" He spoke her name as though it were a question.

"What do you want?" She whispered more to herself than to him. The bitter cold and the thin clothing she wore were painful for him to see and he looked down at her with compassion in his eyes.

He sat down on the bench and pulled her to him, his arms wrapping around her and holding her. She would catch her death out here, he concluded and got to his feet all the while holding her securely in his arms. "It's OK, Jasmine, I'm taking you someplace warm and dry."

Numbly, she nodded and allowed him to lead her out of the park. As they reached the apartment, they went inside and he closed the door behind them.

When he turned back around and could see her face better, he realized that she was pale, and figured that being out in the cold was doing very little, if no good, for her. "Andrew?"

"What is it?" He came over to her and put his arm around her shoulder.

"I feel dizzy," she whispered and had he not been standing next to her, she would have most certainly collapsed right there. Her body lurched forward, and she passed out.

Andrew not knowing what to do picked her up in his arms and laid her on the sofa. After a few moments, she opened her eyes, and could see that he was now on his knees and looking down at her, his eyes full of compassion and love, his voice etched with concern. "Are you OK?"

"I don't know," she whispered and looked around where she was and could see the grease and dirt from her clothing smearing up the sofa. "I'm making a mess of everything."

"No, you're not," he said gently and ran his hand gently through her tangled black hair. "You need to feel safe, and in your heart you know that there is no place safe on the streets. You're a child, and you need to have the security or else you will never be able to overcome that which holds you back."

"I know," she whispered. "I don't want to be a homeless kid on the streets, I want to be special."

"But, you are special, in God's eyes, you are a very special, beautiful, and unique person, Jasmine. You have a beautiful voice, and your ability to sing is a precious gift," he said gently. "It's not just with music, but you listened to me when I told you I was unhappy, and you understood those feelings I had, because you had a similar experience as me. Didn't you?"

"H-how did you know that?" She stammered and sat up quickly, her adrenaline beginning to make her try to crawl away from him.

"Shhh, it's OK," he whispered gently and situated himself between her and the intended path. "Just listen to me; I have every intention of answering your question." He took a deep breath and looked at her. "I know a lot of things about you, because I was there when you saw that man get shot. His name was Richard Johnson and he was a Social Worker who was trying to get kids off the street. He had become your friend and he wanted to help you." He could see her eyes widening. He continued to speak, his voice gentle as he tried to speak reassuringly to her. "You weren't alone that night; Jasmine, you were never alone. Even when you believe you are, it is when God sends someone to tell you otherwise."

She looked at him, her lips beginning to tremble and she shook her head unable to believe what it was he was trying to tell her. "W-who are you and how do you know about what happened to me?"

"I'm an angel, Jasmine. I'm an Angel of Death," he said gently. "I was sent to take Richard home."

Jasmine's eyes widened as he began to glow with the light of God's love, and she backed even further away from him. "H-home?"

"To Heaven, back home to God," he whispered, the glow around him began to fade slightly. He got down on his knees, as he looked at the young, frightened girl. "Jasmine, you have nothing to be afraid of, just look at me," Andrew said simply. "You ran from the big city because you were afraid, and you have to know that Richard's death wasn't your fault. He was shot because a drug deal went bad, not because of anything you had done. He was sadly in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the man who shot him is now serving time in jail. This same man must answer to God for what he has done, but you're not at fault for it and God wants you to know that. He also understands that that is why you don't trust people."

"I-I didn't trust you," she said softly as the tears spilled down her cheeks and she looked at him shaking her head. "I…"

"It's OK, I know why, and I'm still here for you," he smiled gently at her and took one of her hands in his. "You have angels who know and love you, and there's something else you need to know, Jasmine. Do you remember what you said in the park about asking God to send you someone who wouldn't hurt you and who would help you?"

"He sent you?" She asked weakly.

"Mm-hum," Andrew said gently and nodded. "He sent me and you are in a safe place as long as you remember this."

"Will you go now that I know this?" She asked weakly.

"No, because in order for you to accept all of this, it was important for you to know the truth," he said gently. "I also didn't want you to be afraid while you are here, there is no reason for you to fear me."

Jasmine shrugged her shoulders and looked down at her lap. "I must be the messiest looking assignment you've ever had."

Andrew smiled, because through those words, he knew that she acknowledged the truth and would accept the help he offered her. "Would you like to have a shower? Maybe that would make you feel better."

She nodded and looked down at the clothing she wore; the ragged outfit made her feel an instant sense of shame. She looked away from him, but after a few moments, she looked shyly at him and smiled weakly when she realized that he completely accepted her for who she is, and that he was not judging her.

After a few moments of silence, she spoke, her voice emerging as though she was holding something back and was almost afraid to ask. "Andrew?"

"You can ask me anything you want, Jasmine, you must never be afraid to talk to me," he said gently.

"You're really an Angel of Death?" she asked weakly.

"Yes," came his simple answer.

"Am I going to die?"

"Our meeting was accidental, but it happened for a reason. Just keep in mind, Jasmine, that just because you meet an Angel of Death doesn't mean that you will die," he smiled.

"But, I'm your assignment, right?" she whispered.

He squeezed her hand, "angels are not just there to help people with death, Jasmine, we're also here to help with life, and in this case, it's about your life," he smiled gently. "Now, let's get you to the bathroom, and you can get a shower and after that, I'm sure you'll feel a lot better."

She nodded and smiled. "Thank you."

As soon as she was in the shower, Andrew found a nightshirt and bathrobe for her. Once he laid the clothing near the door to the bathroom, he went into the kitchen to make some tea. It was getting colder outside, and he was grateful that he had found Jasmine and brought her there, because she would have frozen to death in the park.

While the water was boiling, Tess and Monica came inside, and Tess did not look the part of someone who greatly appreciated the cold weather. "I can't stand it when it's so cold outside my fingers are numb," she grumbled as they came inside.

"Did you find her, Andrew?" Monica asked.

"Yes, she was at the park," he said. "I brought her here and now she's taking a shower."

Monica noticed the greasy spots on the sofa and nodded. "She needed one. The poor girl."

Tess nodded, "you know that she's destined for something special. The Father has something very special in mind for her."

Andrew nodded. "I told her the truth, but I didn't tell her this."

"Did she take it OK?" Tess asked.

"I think so, she was initially scared, but I think she knows that I won't hurt her," he said sadly. "Tess, this may sound strange, but Jasmine helped me realize something. Somehow she showed me that even though human beings can be cruel to one another, there is still hope."

Monica smiled, because through his words, she knew her friend was going to be OK.


Jasmine emerged from her shower some ten minutes later. She wore the nightshirt with the beige bathrobe and her hair was wrapped in a large towel. "Andrew?" she called out as she came timidly down the hall and into the living room.

"Do you feel better now?" He asked gently.

"I found the robe and nightshirt on the dresser by the bathroom door. I hope that's OK," she said and when she saw that Tess and Monica were now there, she looked down at the ground.

"Baby, it's OK, we won't hurt you, we're here to help you," Tess said gently. "Come and sit down, you look as though you're about to faint."

Jasmine nodded and allowed Tess to help her sit down. After a few moments of hesitation, she glanced up; her pale blue eyes meeting Tess' warm brown ones. "Are you an angel too?"

"Yes, baby, we both are, and none of us are going to hurt you," Tess replied gently.

"I'm sorry about how I reacted at the diner," Jasmine said softly.

"We understand, Jasmine," Tess said gently.

"Then you know that I saw my friend Richard get shot and that it has been hard for me to trust people since then?" She asked weakly, her voice filled with sadness.

"Yes, we know," Tess said softly as she rested her hand on the girl's shoulder and when she felt the warmth of her skin, she took her hand and touched the girl's forehead. "Why didn't you tell Andrew that you're sick? You're burning up."

"I don't know, I guess I had other things on my mind besides the fact that I don't feel so good," Jasmine admitted softly and as she reached up to feel her own face. Tess was right about one thing, she did feel awful, the dizziness beginning to make her head spin, and she collapsed back against the cushions. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to slip away, her final word emerging as she passed out. "Andrew…"

Andrew came out of the kitchen with a teacup in his hand, and he could see that Jasmine was now asleep and he came over to her and took her hand gently in his and held it. "Monica, could you get a blanket out of the other room?" He asked as he took the towel that she had wrapped her hair in and gently removed it, her black hair cascading down over her shoulders.

Monica nodded, left the room, and when she came back, she handed him the blanket, and he covered Jasmine with it. He rested his hand gently on her forehead and could feel the heat emanating from her skin. "Why didn't you tell me you were so sick, Jasmine?" he whispered softly as he ran his hand gently through her hair.


Two days later, Jasmine groggily woke up to find herself on a sofa and underneath some soft blankets. When she sat up quickly, she felt a firm hand on her shoulder forcing her to lie still. "It's OK, Jasmine, you're safe," a gentle male voice said and as she managed to focus on who it was that had said her name, she could see him kneeling down next to where she lay, his green eyes regarding her with his obvious concern.

"Andrew?" She whispered, her throat hurting as she tried to speak, but when his name emerged as a squeak, she rested her hands against her throat and looked up at him with wide frightened eyes. The tears began to stream down her cheeks, as she came to the realization that speaking hurt terribly.

"It's OK, Jasmine," he said gently. "You've been sick for the last two days, but you're going to be OK, try to relax. My friends and I have been taking care of you. How do you feel right now?"

"Just a little better," she whispered. "But, I feel so weak."

"You've been sleeping these last two days off and on, but at least your fever is broken," he said gently. "That's a very good sign. We were all so worried about you."

"You took care of me?" she asked weakly.

"Mm-hum," he nodded.

"Thank you, Andrew," she whispered and closed her eyes.

"Are you hungry?" he asked gently.

She nodded.

"What would you like? Maybe some gelatin or some bouillon?" He asked.

"My throat hurts," she whispered.

"I know," he whispered and placed a finger over her lips indicating that she should not strain her voice. "Your voice will come back very soon, just rest now and try not to worry." Andrew stood up and within moments, he returned to her side and handed her a coffee mug that was filled with the soup. "Here, try this, it's hot, but it should help."

Jasmine took the cup and began to drink the hot bouillon. As soon as she finished, she returned the cup to him and laid back down. As she did, he stood up to go, and she reached out and grabbed his hand. She shook her head indicating that she wanted him to stay with her.

"Are you afraid?" he asked gently.

"Yes," she tried to speak.

"Shhh, just nod or shake your head, Jasmine," he handed her a small notebook and a pencil. "If you want anything, write it down, OK? I don't want you to strain your voice," he smiled gently.

She began to write. My voice, but I don't understand why.

"God has wonderful plans for you, Jasmine, if you put your trust in Him," he said gently and squeezed her hand.


Andrew nodded. "Yes, but that's all I can tell you right now."

Does this mean I won't ever have to sing for spare change again?

He looked at her and could see the tears in her eyes. That same fear that he remembered seeing the day they met was still there, and he squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. "If you put your trust in God, you'll never have to sing for spare change again."

I'll try. I have never had good friends, nor have I felt loved before meeting you, Tess, and Monica. Thank you Andrew. Thank you so much. As she finished writing, there were tears streaming down her face, and she tried to wipe them away to rip the piece of paper out of the notebook and give it to him.

Once he had read her message, he took the notebook out of her hands and laid it on the table. He took her gently in his arms and held her. The tears began to stream down her cheeks and she wept, the deeply embedded fear emerging in her tears. "You're never alone, Jasmine."

She nodded, for the first time in her life; she could believe the words of the angel who held her. God, her thoughts began to offer her first prayer to her creator. I know I have never spoken to you much before and I know that I can't verbally say something now, but I hope you will hear what I have to tell you. I was so scared when I saw Richard die, and I didn't think you were with me, I thought I was alone and that I had to run away from what I had seen.

The tears continued to stream down her cheeks as her silent prayer continued. I guess I never thought I deserved your love; maybe that's why I didn't talk to you before. My parents beat me, and yet I always heard that you had said that children should honor their parents. How could I have tried to speak to you, just in knowing that I was not honoring them? I couldn't honor them, please forgive me for that, but it was because they had hurt me. I have scars all over my body from the beatings I suffered by their hands. Sometimes the pain is so intense that it's hard for me to face what has happened. Then something happened to me, and I started to believe that you do care for me, that it was me that had turned away from you and not the other way around. Please forgive me for that, I beg you! I realize that now I need you more than I have ever needed anyone, and I'm sorry I did not seek you out before now.

The tears were still streaming down her cheeks, and she suddenly could feel someone wiping them away. Andrew was still holding her, one of his arms around her shoulders; in the other he rubbed a handkerchief gently beneath her eyes, thus smearing the tears away. She began her prayer again. Then something happened, somehow I met your angel, Andrew, and he taught me about you and your love for me and I realized that Richard's death wasn't my fault, and that I've been hurting more than I thought during these last few days. I don't know what I did to deserve what has happened, but I thank you for it. Please help me so that I trust in you. Andrew said that's what I have to do, but if you only knew just how frightened I am…

"Jasmine," Andrew's voice emerged and he smiled gently down at her. "He knows you're frightened."

"You knew what I was doing?" she whispered.

"Shhh," he whispered and once again placed his finger over her lips. "He heard you, and I did as well. You've made the first step, and we're going to help you make a few more."

She wrapped her arms around him and held tightly to him, the tears still falling, but this time, the tears indicative of someone who would eventually heal.


A week later, Jasmine was healthy again, her voice fully recovered, and she appeared to be happy to be able to sing once again. Tess and Monica came in that afternoon and both were happily surprised to see that Jasmine was completely healthy.

"You're looking better," Tess said.

"I'm feeling better," Jasmine said, she pulled her black hair back with a ribbon and smiled weakly. "I was scared that I wouldn't get my voice back."

"I know, baby," Tess said. "Now, you see, you have it back and you look wonderful."

"We have an appointment at the Magic-studios so we'd better get going," Monica said. "Your audition will be at four."

Jasmine looked at Andrew, "do you think I'll do it?" she asked.

"What do you think?" He asked. "Did you ask for a little help?"

"Yeah, but I don't think He has any control over my nerves. I've got butterflies in my stomach," she said softly. "I guess it was like when I went back and filed that report with the police about Richard. I thought they were going to think I was the culprit or something because I waited so long to step forward."

Monica handed her a small bottle.

"What's that?" Jasmine asked.

"It's citrus water, it's supposed to help the voice," Monica said.

"How did you know about this, Miss Wings?" Tess asked skeptically. "You don't even sing." She rolled her eyes when she thought about Monica's lack of musical talent.

"I heard that it is supposed to help," Monica said, and sighed sadly. "Besides that, my singing isn't so bad."

Jasmine smiled and accepted the bottle. "You know what?" she whispered to Monica as she accepted the bottle and drank some of the citrus water.

Monica looked at her and shook her head.

"Everyone can sing," Jasmine said softly.

"No, Jasmine," Andrew cut in hearing what she had said. "She can't."

Jasmine shook her head. "Everyone can sing. Sing something, Monica. You're your own worst critic."

Tess covered her face with her hand and shook her head. Andrew looked at Jasmine as she coaxed Monica to sing something.

"Try something easy," Jasmine suggested. "How about this?"

I will walk with you

No matter where you go

I'll follow your love

My guiding star,

My love to you dear Lord

Will take away the pain.

All eyes were on Jasmine as she finished singing the small verse. Monica was looking at her and shaking her head. "I can't sing."

Jasmine shook her head. "I don't believe that. Come on, Monica."

The angel shook her head and walked through the door and outside leaving Jasmine alone with the two angels.

"How is she supposed to accept her voice when her two friends don't give her support?" Jasmine asked weakly. "I mean, everyone has strengths and weaknesses, but music is one of those things that everyone should be able to enjoy and get strength from."

The young girl followed Monica out of the apartment and when she found the angel waiting by Tess' car, she approached. "I hope I didn't embarrass you in there," she began.

"No, I know I can't sing," Monica said.

"But, everyone can sing," Jasmine objected. "I used to have a friend who deaf, but she was fluent in sign language, and you know she sings? It's not vocal, but the music comes from her body, from the movements she makes with her hands. It's lovely to see, and whenever someone begins to sign, I remember her, and how beautiful this language, and the movements really are."

"Sing with sign language?"

"Yes, there are places that teach this, my friend taught me a little," she began to move her hands as she spoke the words. "I see trees of green, red roses too, I see them blooming from me and you…" The words and signs to the song she had been singing when she met Andrew the first time emerged.

Monica smiled, and after a few moments, Jasmine stopped speaking. "I'm not very good at it, but you get the idea, right?"

The young angel smiled. "I can sing the stanza you said inside," Monica said as Andrew and Tess came outside. The two other angels exchanged looks, but came over to them.

"OK," Jasmine said and smiled. "I'll sing it my way, you sing it yours."

"Here goes," Andrew muttered and started to cover his ears.

Jasmine began to sing, as Monica began to sign the words to the song. When they were done, Jasmine looked at Monica. "Wow, that was so cool."

Monica's eyes were dancing as she looked at Tess and Andrew. Both of them were looking at her with surprise in their eyes. "How was that, Tess? I sang, but not in the way you realized."

Tess nodded. "That was beautiful, Angel Girl."

Andrew also nodded and he looked at Jasmine. "You've got a way of making everyone feel better about their limitations, don't you?"

Jasmine smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe, but I think the words came to me from a higher and much wiser place." She glanced gratefully skyward.

"Listen babies, we have to get going, the recording studio won't wait," Tess said, and they got into the car.


Three weeks later, Jasmine not only had gotten herself a one room apartment, she had gone to a recording studio to speak to a producer, and had signed a recording contract. As she came out of the office, she held her copy of it in her hand and she could see the three angels standing in the lobby and waiting for her.

"You did it?" Andrew asked gently as she approached them.

"I did it," she smiled weakly as she showed him the signed contract that she had gotten while speaking with the music producer. "You were right, Andrew, all this time, God was with me, and now I know that He does love me."

"Yes he does, honey," Tess said gently and rested her hand on Jasmine's shoulder.

"It's time for you to go, isn't it?" Jasmine asked them.

"Yes," Monica said smiling as she hugged the young woman. "Thanks for teaching me that I really can sing."

"Thank you for teaching me things that are even more important," Jasmine whispered as Monica and Tess walked outside leaving her standing next to Andrew.

"You really did help me so much just like you said you would," she said softly. "It's going to be so hard for me to say good-bye to you. You've been far more than just an angel, Andrew; you've been a true friend. Truer than any I've ever had."

"I know, but you'll see me again someday," he smiled. "I will think of you every time they play your songs on the radio."

"I'll be thinking of you too, because without your encouragement, it wouldn't have happened," Jasmine said. "Through my music, I'm going to show everyone out there that if a child abuse survivor can accomplish great things, then with God on your side, everything is possible, and miracles do happen."

"He's very proud, Jasmine," Andrew said and as soon as they hugged, he went outside to join his friends. She was left inside the studio, and before she left the building, she smiled as she looked down at the contract that she held. Underneath performer's name, she smiled, because the stage name she selected was 'Jazy Andrews'.

Epilogue  

Four months later, Jasmine finished her recording, and her first album was released. Her success as a singer never changed her, she remained strong in her love of God, and her work started where Richard Johnson's tragically left off. I can make a difference, she often said to herself, and I know it is coming the love of He who sustains me.

As the album came out, she smiled as she looked at the cover of it. Her jet-black hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She was not facing the camera, but rather all that could be seen of her was her profile, and she was watching as white dove take to flight over her head. She decided to give the album the name 'Heavenly Whispers'.

Jazy Andrews had finally found her place in the world, and the feeling of belonging was the greatest treasure she could have asked for. Andrew, wherever you are, may you always know that you changed my life, she often contemplated.

"Excuse me, Ms. Andrews?" a voice interrupted her contemplations as she left the record company that afternoon.

She turned and smiled down at the young teenage girl who was looking up at her. "Call me Jasmine," she said softly. "What can I do for you?"

"Would you pray for me?" the girl asked.

Jasmine smiled, "you want to talk about it?"

The girl nodded and together they walked towards a small diner. "I've been thinking about suicide for about a year now…"

Upon hearing that, Jasmine put her arm around the girl's shoulder and led her inside. Once they were seated inside, and started talking, outside, three angels stood looking through the window and watching.

"She is following the path God intended," Tess said.

Monica smiled and nodded. "Should we go and say hello?"

Andrew shook his head, "She's going to make a difference to that girl and it would not be good for us to interfere. The Father has confidence in Jasmine, and I do as well."

The three angels nodded, and within moments, they disappeared.

A dove was standing in the window of the diner looking in at the two of them as they spoke to one another, and when Jasmine looked over and saw it, it took to flight and disappeared over the horizon.

She continued to listen to the girl as she spoke, and all the while her memories of herself returned. She reached over and took the hand of the girl in hers, and smiled. God had a plan for both their lives, of this she was certain, and she prayed that she would have more success with helping God's children, than with her music.


Note: The lyrics in this story belong to me, please do not reproduce them.

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