Beating Gargamel to the Punch

A Smurfs /Touched By an Angel short story

By: Yvette Jessen

"Papa Smurf, how much further," Lazy Smurf asked.

"Not far now," came the answer.

"Papa Smurf, how much further," Smurfette asked.

"Not too much further now," came the almost automatic answer.

A few more miles further down the road another voice emerges, this time from Brainy Smurf. "Papa Smurf, how much further?"


"Brainy Smurf, can you hear me," a stranger's voice emerges some seconds later and Brainy opened his eyes to see a man in a beige suit standing before him. "My name is Andrew, and I'm an angel from God, it's time to go home…"


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