Jenni's JABB 199 Playlist

Some more music from  I thought these songs expressed some of the trauma and drama of teenagedom, when I wrote the drivel that became this newsletter.  :-)   Some are a tad on the overdramatic side.  Much like many teenagers.  But I really like the songs and some are still very much apropos for adult like, too.

1.  "Take Me Home" ~ Christine Evans
(This totally sounds like something I would have listened to when I was in high school.  After my friends fought or I got a F on a test or something.  And I probly woulda thought about Andrew during it...)
2.  "Insecurities" ~ Emily Adams
(Cause what teen girl doesn't have these?)
3.  "Cry Me a River" ~ Jessica Archer
(Really doesn't have much to do with Andrew but I think we can agree that if we put together all the tears we all ever cried over TBAA we probly would have a good sized river.  :-)
4.  "Open Your Eyes" ~ Mirari
(I just liked the sound of this.)
5.  "Big Sky" ~ Rachel Loy
(Cause there was a lot of optimism then, too.)
6.  "When It Rains" ~ Rhonda Keelon Robertson
(More emotionalism.  Also, in commemoration of the storm that took away my power and made me miss "The Pact"!)