"The Big Bang"

A review by Jenni:
I decided to be good and get another non-AOD episode done.  I chose this one mostly because I couldn't remember it very well.

What I love about this episode:
Tess calling Benjamin Franklin "Benji" gets me.  And I like that they remembered the Tess/Franklin friendship in "Dear God."

Part of me thinks an episode like this fits really well with the current economic situation and might even get some attention in the press these days if it were new.  The bitterness people feel towards those who lay them off is expressed, very well IMO, by Alison to Chamberlain.  The portrayal of this evil, selfish bank owner would probly be welcome these days.  Heck, even the image of a bank in ruins is an accurate symbol for now.  The loss of health care?  Huge issue now.  The only glitch?  Casting the father, noted for giving loans to those who may very likely default, as the ideal maybe wouldn't go over so well now.  Still, it was interesting to see this product of 1995 have so many parallels to today.  Just too bad they're negative ones!

I think there's an interesting irony in Alison being saved by the guy hacking into the computer to open the safe.  Jackson seems to have started down his bad road after being put out of work by a computer.  Then a computer ends up saving his wife and child.  I like that, as with "Pandora's Box," TBAA showed both the upside and downside of computers.

I like when the angels get indignant about people using and abusing the Bible in order to justify their behavior.  Tess' fit when
Jackson tries to do it is great.  And it leads into my favorite line of this episode: "You think you're God and I'm the religious nut?!?"

 Nice quote here from Monica: "Yes, there will be rivers for you to cross, but when you walk through the water, He will be with you. And yes, there will be mountains for you to climb, but when you can't take another step, He will carry you. And there will be people to cherish and hearts to change, but He will hold your hand every step of the way if you'll just let Him!"

I am glad that Monica makes a point of telling Alison she will have to answer for her part in the hold-up.  Cause the rest of those poor people were terrorized and I woulda been ticked had they just left it with this warm, fuzzy image of her and the baby.

What I didn't love about this episode:
I don't care for the flock of pigeons being turned into doves.  Yes, I know doves are TBAA's birds and it was pretty but they were perfectly good pigeons!

I continue to have issues with the angels have no faith issue.  I think it way, way oversimplifies what faith is.  No, they don't need faith to tell them that God exists.  Just as I don't need faith to know my parents exists.  But there's another aspect to faith: trusting that the person won't let you down.  I think angels have this type of faith.  If they don't why would any of them ever get frustrated and angry with God?  Why would they ever cry and say they feel abandoned?  Why would any of them ever fall?  So to me it's ridiculous to say they don't have faith.  It doesn't jive with the rest of their behavior.

All in all, I think this episode is just too extreme a situation to be terribly relatable or as touching as other episodes.  It's suspenseful at parts but I just don't feel invested (no pun intended).

Lingering questions:
Why does Tess speak to Monica through the vent?  It's obviously an otherworldly voice given neither Chamberlain nor Alison can hear Tess.  So why did Tess need the vent for Monica to hear her? 

Parts that made me feel swoony:
Nothing to report...  Sad.

Random thoughts:
It's fun to see Melora Hardin (Jan from The Office) in here as Max's wife.  I kinda think she looks older here, though, than as Jan.  Or maybe she just looks harsher? 

I'm amused by the computer guy saying he needs to pay his "computer online bill."  Strange phraseology. 

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(The photographs used on this page are from "Touched by an Angel" and owned by CBS Productions, Caroline Productions, and Moon Water Productions. They are not being used to seek profit.)