From the Desk of Andrew

And now an open letter from Andrew...

Hello everyone,

So JABB turns 10 today?  Congratulations, ladies!  That's great!  Since John's not available to represent the J in JABB, I was asked to say a few words since I'm the A.  0:-)  First, I'm really touched that you all care so much.  Sometimes when I feel a little down, I'll admit I go to and read some of the very nice things you've written about me.  I may blush but I definitely smile and for that I'm very grateful to you all.

I'll never forget the time I've spent in Dyeland.  Everyone there has done a tremendous job of making me, Adam and Henry feel welcome and loved despite our AODhood.  That doesn't often happen in such a big way.  So thank you.  But beyond that I believe JABB does a great job of carrying on the message "Touched" shared: that death is not terrible.  Beyond this life there's an even more abundant life filled with the love of God. 

I've noticed that top tens are popular with all of you so in that spirit I wrote the following:

Top Ten Signs You're an AOD Blessed by JABB

10.  You may not be the biggest Halloween fan but you no longer pout about it because you know that even if it gives you and death a bad reputation with some people, it also makes you realize how great your friends are.  Especially when they dress up as more accurate and hopeful depictions of angels of death just to help you out.

9.  Your refrigerator and cupboards are always stocked with chocolate, ginger ale, delicious baked goods, and great
meals every time you come back from a long assignment.

8.  You accused your friends of being liars and pompous actors and they still stuck by you. 

7.  You got arrested for murder... and your friends still stuck by you.

6.  You behaved in a very unangelic way and shut your friends out... but they still stuck by you.

5.  Whenever you feel a little down someone's there to call you "lovely" or "Andrewkins."

4.  When an assignment has you wishing you could have done more, there's an entire group of people who will sit with you, even cry with you, and remind you you did what you could and God loves you. 

3.  You're very relieved because you know that not everyone thinks you're madly in love with Monica.

2.  You've never been hugged so much in your life, outside of Heaven.

You've never been happier outside of Heaven than you are now.

So I thank you, each of you, for that.  God loves you.  So do I.

Your friend,

PS- I would just like to clarify that I am not an egomaniac that regularly sprinkles photos of himself amongst his words.  While the words are all mine, you could say this letter has been LJA-icized.  0;-)